Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to Learn Ninjutsu - Japanese Martial Art

Martial arts is one of the most preferred sports and studied. Aside from being a sport, martial arts can also be a "weapon" that can keep us from harm and others. Martial many kinds of traditional Indonesian martial martial arts, martial arts of Thailand Thai Boxing, martial arts of Chinese Wushu, Taekwondo Korean martial arts and martial arts of Japanese Ninjutsu. Martial arts can also be called by the word Ninpo which is a blend of martial arts in guerrilla tactics and strategy conducted by the Japanese whose name Shinobi Ninja, while the female ninja kunoichi name.

How to learn Japanese characters is indeed easy bother because Japanese characters consist of three groups of letters, letter katakana, hiragana letter and the letter of the most difficult kanji. But here the author will give meaning each one of the letters that form the word ninjutsu. Nin main letters in the word ninjutsu composed of two characters. The first character is located on the tip of a sword or the character means Yaiba and character underneath the character kokoro means heart or soul. Meanwhile, the kanji meaning the sword, if the two kanji are combined into a single word that means to infiltrate, perseverance endurance also confidentiality.

The word in the word ninjutsu jutsu means art or technique. So, martial art of ninjutsu can be interpreted as the moment of confidentiality and infiltrate. This martial useful for resilience in the face of life getting heavy and hard. Ninja has existed since the 7th century and developed in the mountains Togukure Japan. Ninja also briefly banned in the days of the Tokugawa Shogunate in the 17th century until the 1950 ban lifted.
There is one school of ninja ninja who can introduce to the community, from heirs of generations to thirty-four, his name is Prof. Masaaki Hatsumi who work daily is a physician and expert treatment of the bone.

Professor Hatsumi holds ninjutsu martial arts and he was the one to develop and refine techniques in ninjutsu. In 1976 to 1978 there was a man named Stephen K. Hayes he was the one who spread and taught this Japanese martial to the United States.

Sciences in Ninjutsu

In martial arts, there are 18 pieces of tactics used in the war. Actually there are many other moves that use related to mental mastery of physical skills and mental exercises. But here we will discuss only eighteen moves. Believed to be a ninja master level after this one they will be experts that it is also regarded as a shaman because it can blend with nature and its cycles around.

This eighteen ninjutsu moves or expertise in :

1. Kick Purification of the Soul or Seishin Teki Kyoyo

The introduction of identity is commonly used by ninja Togakure wing. Knowing commitment also motivation in life should also be known by a ninja. If the ninja did fight merely to protect.

2. Fight Using Empty Hand or Tai Jutsu

Tai Jutsu is a blend of some of the science case of science daken taijutsu consisting of parry, hit and kicked, ju taijutsu Sciences consists of escape locks, choking and Gumul and science taihen jutsu consists of jumping and how to fall, roll and movement without sound.

3. Ninja Sword or Ninja Ken

This ninja sword is a short sword with a single eye of science that science is also very important because the sword was the main weapon of the ninja. To use a sword, we must have the ability to swing and cut also science to draw the sword with maximum speed, but still smooth and dinamic movements.

4. Kick Stick and Blade or Bo Jutsu

In ninjutsu there are two types of sticks, stick about two feet long and short sticks about one meter.

5. Throw weapons or Shuriken Jutsu

Science throwing here using steel plates that have a four-sided sharp eye like a star (if you ever watched cartoons Ninja Hatori already know what it looks like). How twisted and tossed in a way that will anchor and have a working principle like a chainsaw.

6. Kick Spear or Yari Jutsu

Spear in this moment used to do battle in the distance was a moment to muffle or deflect attacks from opponents.

7. Cane sword or naginata Kick Jutsu

Is a short sword long handle like a spear size. The usefulness of this sword is to cut the opponent that is at a distance being of the ninja, as well as a samurai sword to attack the opponent.

8. Chains and Pendulum Kick or Kusari Gama

This tool is a chain that has the length of two to three meters with a pendulum on the end. At the other end fixed to a handle of a traditional Japanese sickle. The chain can be used to repel attacks from opponents and sickle weapon used to trap opponents and their kickout.

9. Posing and Blending science or Henso Jutsu

Is the science that is needed by espionage. In this Science of the Ninja can distract people with their false identities, and the presence or movement of the Ninja will not be tracked by anyone.

10. Science for Stalking and Infiltrate or Shinobi Iri

Ninja teaches science to be able to hide under a shadow also taught ninja to move without spending dapa.

11. Science Ba Jutsu

Stance is that a Ninja can ride well despite many obstacles.

12. Combat Studies in Water or Sui Ren

Science in ninjutsu techniques will teach lurking with swim technique can even be trained how to fight in the water.

13. Science Strategy or Bo Ryaku

Science is tactical for use in open battle. Without spending a lot of energy because the Ninja ninja will utilize the surrounding conditions.

14. Science Espionage or Cho Ho

Science is science in ninjutsu spy.

15. Techniques to escape and disappear or inton jutsu

Is a technique to escape by way of utilizing the natural surroundings.

16. Meteorological or ten mon

Is the science of using the weather to the Ninja trained since they were little.

17.Geografi or chi mon

Is a land use techniques.

Ninjutsu in Indonesia

Some Indonesian people are also pretty much trying to learn ninjutsu. In fact, there are already holds a master ninja. One of the ninja master named San Moon, he wants to change the image of a ninja who is usually viewed negatively by society. San Moon's job was the same as an ordinary person, he is an expert on information technology, but is happy with this martial. Of course, with her office clothes and everyday no one would have thought that he was a Ninja. As a master who was very adept at playing any moves he is a teacher of the ninja teaches the knowledge and science that he mastered his students.

He also founded a college name is a Ninjutsu Indonesia Club to change the image of a ninja. Moves or the sciences are dominated by Sensei San Moon often he has documented and upload it to Youtube, for instance when it is caught quickly dashed arrows, throwing ninja weapon that looks like a star and when he plays with his sword.

Events from San Moon loads, in addition to being the founder of the Japanese martial club, Professor of ninja he have a job as a video clip director, advertising and infotainment.


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