Thursday, August 9, 2012

How to Know the Tiger Grouper Fish

Grouper is one of the types of fish that have high economic value. Based on the current lot more pick the fish farmers to cultivate groupers rather than other fish. It is not easy to cultivate this kind of fish, but because of high economic value that many farmers are willing to spend time to get information on how to cultivate them. On this occasion, the author will not give detailed knowledge on how to do grouper culture, but it would be to introduce this fish to the public so that awareness is increasing rapidly around the fish. Once completely familiar with this fish, at other times then the author will present a way grouper farming.

Grouper Glance

Grouper is one of the types of fish that have been successfully cultivated. In fact, some technology or a way grouper culture, which includes seeding, maintenance, administration, food, to control pests and diseases already widely held. One kind of grouper, which are now widely cultivated is the kind of tiger grouper. Grouper in the international price level is quite tempting farmers, which ranged between 1.45 Euro / kg up to 5.64 Euro / kg. Compare that price if we convert the price of dollars which currently range between 8000-10000 rupiah per dollar. Keep in mind, this price is determined by the proximity of the consumer with the producer, as well as by type of grouper are bought and sold.

To date, the highest price is owned grouper grouper species coming from the duck. In 1998 alone, the price of duck grouper is between 160 000 dollars at the producer level, 320000-400000 rupiah at the exporter, and 720000-1200000 Hong Kong dollars at the restaurant.The mouse grouper, coral trout grouper, tiger grouper, grouper mud, rock grouper, Napoleon wrasse and grouper species and the needs of the prevailing prices at the producer, exporter, and the Hong Kong restaurant can cost you see in the following table.

Sources: The Life Reef Fish Trade in Asten Indonesia 1997 (Erdman and Pet-Soedi 1997 in Sugama et al., 1998). Prices shown in table 1 above the prevailing price of grouper on the market in 1998. Until now, the price in the table had remained stable and has never fluctuated much less decline as happened with the price of other fish. Therefore, grouper cultivation business are considered to have a bright prospect given the demand for fish is increasing, especially in the area of Hong Kong and China.

For those of you who are planning to start a business culture of grouper, tiger grouper species in particular, it helps to know more about the biology of this tiger grouper. This recognition will help, especially in terms of meeting the needs of the farmed fish are optimal. The biology of tiger grouper glimpse of knowledge will be presented in the following.

Classification, morphology, and the spread of the Tiger Grouper Fish

Goropa, coral trout, lotion, or gogoh a designation that refers to the variety of the same species of fish, the grouper. Number of different designations that refer these grouper indicates that this fish does have a very wide distribution. It is estimated there are over 46 species of groupers that live in different habitat types. Of the species before, it just came from 7 genera and some of them, the genus Chromileptes, Pelctropoma, and Epinephelus high economic value.

In systematics, including the tiger grouper grouper species of high economic value are classified as follows.
  •     Fillum: Chordata
  •     Class: Pisces
  •     Order: Perciformes
  •     Family: Serranidae
  •     Genus: Epinephelus
  •     Species: Epinephelus fuscoguttatus
  •     Other names: cod or Flower Carpet
  •     Name in Indonesia: Grouper Tiger Grouper and coral

The characteristics that can be identified from the tiger grouper or coral grouper are among them, have flattened and slightly elongated body (although some others are round-bodied). In the body there are black spots in a tight position so it looks similar to a tiger. Characteristics is at the beginning of the title tiger grouper fish attached to it.

Addition to being full of black spots such as the tiger, the body is covered by the grouper scales are small, shiny. Then the pectoral fins of this fish with reddish fins reddish brown edges. This tiger grouper mouth wide and oblique to the top of the bottom lip protruding upward. Upper and lower jaws of this fish is equipped with teeth and sharp edges are strong. Regional distribution of carp is a very broad range, ie ranging from East Africa to the Pacific Southwest. In Indonesia alone, tiger grouper are found island of Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java, Papua, and Ambon area, Bacan, Kayoa and Buru.

Habitat and Habits Live Tiger Grouper Fish

Grouper is a fish that live in different habitats depend of its kind. Own tiger grouper is fish that live in coral reef habitats located in shallow waters up to 100 meters below sea level. In addition to the coral reefs, shipwrecks that sank too often become a convenient location to live tiger grouper. Age of tiger grouper are still young, usually live in shallow waters. Usually young grouper choose coral beach which has a depth of 0.5 m - 3, 0 meters below sea level. Tiger grouper habitat will move into deeper waters as the age of adulthood.

Tiger grouper is classified into a type of grouper are able to survive the salinity (salt content of water-soluble or water salinity levels) is quite broad, ie, between 22-35 ppt (parts per thousand). However, for purposes of cultivation required salinity should be between 22-32 ppt.

Food and Eating Habits Tiger Grouper

Grouper, including the tiger grouper, a fish species that prey on small fish, shrimp, squid, animal plankton, and other small animals. In matters of eating, grouper is considered a very greedy fish. Groupers are often hunt for food while swimming. Occasionally they were hiding in rock holes and only showed his head just when they wanted to ambush prey.

When hunting for food, groupers normally do in the morning before the sun rises and more active at night. Yes, this is because of grouper including nocturnal animals that actively hunt at night. Being in the daytime, groupers spend more time to hide in rock holes, although the middle somewhere, if there is an approaching prey grouper will not waste it. This knowledge is very important when we decide to raise grouper. That way, farmers came to know the time-efficient for member feed.

Developing the habit of Biak Tiger Grouper Fish

Grouper is a fish that has properties protogini hermaphrodite. That is, these fish have a chance to change sex, from female to male sex change in line with the size and age. Female to male sex change is so drastic, especially if the male and female sex ratio imbalance. Therefore, when deciding to raise grouper, should also be noted that the ratio of breeding females and males can be controlled.

Well, that's a little introduction to the tiger grouper. Hopefully with this knowledge the farmer could further improve the quality cattle that get more fantastic results. Good luck and hopefully useful.

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