Thursday, August 9, 2012

How to Create a Fish Pond Home Garden

The presence of a fish pond in your home may be a little beautifying the home garden. Fish pond has become the primary choice for the interior in the courtyard garden. In addition to easy maintenance, these ponds also enhance your home, not to mention the ornaments of plants in front of or behind the pond. To create a beautiful pond, we have to have a vast land in the area of the house. In addition, we have to notice the location of the position to be created so that when the pool has been created will be seen and seems pretty balanced with a land area of the house. Not just at home with a courtyard that could bring the pool, but in a minimalist home page can also be made pond.

There are several factors in making such a minimalist pool water circulation in ponds. If circulation is poor, dirty water is going fast. In making that pool, which must be considered is of good quality water to the pool may look clear and clean. In order for the circulation of clean water, then use the filter. Usefulness of this filter to filter out impurities present in the pond that fish water in the pond so that it always looks clean. To beautify the pond, you can use the rocks at the bottom of the pool and the pool is made more variety and more alive when I saw the pool. This pool can be made in front of or behind the home page, depending on the preferred interior taste.

Better in the pool area was made the seat so I can relax over a cup of coffee. In addition to relaxing, you can also sit and feed the fish and listen to the gurgling sound of water in the ponds. Also made with a minimalist pool water as simple as possible. By adding the element view of the house and the lighting of open space, it will make the pool is a luxurious and comfortable every time you relax in the pool area.

Fish pond can create a calm atmosphere and a place to relax as well as off fatigue. By looking at the pool that you created and the fish are beautiful decorated with various plants and objects that other life, it may be a drug killerpaint job stress that builds up in the office. For more beautiful, the pool can be filled with koi fish in order to last longer. In addition to low maintenance, it can enhance your fish pond. Typically, outside the home garden plants are given water to the atmosphere of the pool is to be alive.

How to Create a Fish Pond

In order to make the arid atmosphere of the house to be fresh and fresh, you can create a quiet area to relax and to release stress. You can imagine the scene that makes it so comfortable. The scene is decorated with fish ponds by fish beautiful and tranquil sound of water gurgling. In the park outside the home, many plants are equipped with waterfalls and other living things can relieve stress. Means the pool is what will liberate the mind from stress and problems at work or outside work.

How to make this pool we have to prepare  some good equipment like the usefulness filter to filter the water and dirt to be good water circulation. In addition to filters, there are also tools such as liners, waterfalls, and fountains. The usefulness of this liner is to form a pool so the pool is made into a great and unique. By creating a larger pool, then the number could be a lot of fish. Before you make a pond, it must first consider the right location for the manufacture of the pond and the fish will be stored in the ponds.

Making the pool is usually more superficial. Thus, the balance with the fish to be reared in large ponds and small size of the fish, so that the pool looks good with fish in it. When the pool is so, then choose the fish are bright colors are made to beautify the pond. Note also that the fish must be maintained in the pool because there are other types of fish that can not last long with a water pond.

Some types of fish that live in ponds are :
  1. common ornamental fish;
  2. fish comets;
  3. jikins fish;
  4. wakins fish;
  5. sabao fish, and
  6. watonai fish.

This pond is 2 feet so it is usually better quality fish. This pool must balance the activity of fish in the pond so that fish can swim freely. Note also some problems that can make a dead fish in the ponds because oxygen is not put on a good filter. Make sure the strainer or filter works well. Fish can also be exposed to hazards caused by poor water.

Important Things to Look for in a Swimming Fish
  • To be better at making a fish pond, the pond should not be too far away to the water source to supply water for easier maintenance needs.
  • Try your pool area with drainage because the water is always flowing into a lower place in principle.
  • You can create your own channel that can open the back cover to remove water that has been soiled.
  • Make a pond that could be exposed to sunlight because the sun will enhance the fish pond.
  • Do not be too crowded with interiors because it would cause the place is out of place. Use the interior is simple but nice to see because of the beauty that comes from simplicity.
  • In the manufacture of the pool, you should use a material of stone or cement fish pond is easy to transform and clean and not get wet.

A good pond shape is rectangular, oval or round. The simplest form of the pool than the other forms. Usually the shape of a triangle are many who do not like because of the tapered shape. It was said that the tapered shape was not considered good because it has a negative psychological impact according to Feng Sui.

How to Make a Swimming Fish Sheeting

Fish farming is very important for those who like to this pool. In addition to simple, pond sheeting is also the land is not too broad. Pool tarp does not require spending a lot. With little cost, you can have your own fish pond.

Here's how to create a pool tarp.

Land pool tarp should be a little bit of open and closed. The most important thing, most can be exposed to sunlight and some are not exposed to the sun.
  1.  Tarpaulins 6 x 10 m wide.
  2.  3 cubic chaff.
  3.  Red brick.

Ways of making :

  • A land area of 34 square kilometers which highlighted the sun.
  • Dig up the ground with an area of 34 square kilometers and depth of 50cm
  • Workshop is used to 40cm tall embankment.
  • Strengthen the levees and let the red brick.
  • Then dsar pool administered chaff with 10cm high.
  • Trap ready to be installed and given water.

Hopefully by reading this article, you can create your own fish pond, fish pond either large or small pond. By having the pool, we will not feel anxious or stressed, instead will feel comfortable.

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