Monday, July 2, 2012

Participation Theory at a glance

The theory of participation is one of the theories that talk about the individual's involvement in various activities related to the community. This is related to the role of individuals as social beings who are not likely to break away from a variety of circumstances around him. In the view of some experts, the theory of participation is defined as a process of involvement of a person in full at an agreed determination besama. In addition, the theory of participation is also defined as an equal relationship between the community and the power system in the development process.

Participation can also be linked to a condition of mutual benefit of two or more parties that interact with each other. Where more and more benefits to be gained from the interaction process, the parties involved in the process of intu relationship will be stronger. This suggests that the strength of a level of participation by a person, can be realized if the emerging awareness of the benefits to be gained from the process. On the other hand, this participation process is a natural instinct of man to live with their environment. Because, basically, human beings have the will and interests are not limited. And to meet the interests and wishes, people need the participation of other parties.

Participation in Organize

As human beings have a need for such biological needs, social needs as well as some other need to be able to run a normal life. On the other hand, the human family also has some desire that they try to get satisfaction for what they want. The psychologist said that every man has many wishes that there were not infinite. Some of these desires can not be fulfilled absolutely. Because, when people are able meneuhi their first desire, that desire will be followed by the second, third and so on. So that their needs can be met, every human being will always be on their social life or even life in a group.

In the two positions, people will engage in a process called participation. Where participation is interpreted by Soerjono Soekanto as a process of identifying or engaging a participant, and in dalamya communication process or activity are shared in a social situation. Participation itself is classified into several types. Among others, social participation and political participation. Social participation is an individual's level of involvement in social life. This is described by George and Achilles, which states that social participation is a voluntary process of a person's involvement in an organization, which in it involves some type of community or activities conducted outside the regular activities of an individual.

While the definition of political participation is an activity in the actions of citizens who aspire personal named. And activities intended to influence the government decision-making process. Political participation can be either an individual or a diorgasnisir kolekstif also spontaneously and confidently. Citizen participation in political participation can be realized in the process of voting, participating in campaign activities or by becoming a member of a particular political party. Thus, it can diarti that political participation is defined as a process of community involvement in the activities undertaken by the group on social and political life.

In a joint or group life, people want to have the best performance so as to provide benefits to others. This is what the kahirnya able to create life in groups called a social group or social organization. involvement of individuals in a social organization usually results enumerated by several factors. Several factors affect, among others, the common interests, interests on the basis of voluntary consciousness and so forth. These interests are not delivered through social institutions, but the interest is distributed in the form of human union relatively orderly and formal. Based on these conditions, there is a question, on what grounds a person involved or participating in social organizations such as group life and what factors are the cause.

In a study mentioned that one of the most important fundamental to the foundation a person living in groups is the opportunity to interact with others. If a person is rarely seen or talked with others, then the individual is difficult to be interested in getting in a group. That is why, whether or not a person involved in an organization or group, is determined by the presence or absence of such appeal. This fascination arises because there are relationships among organizations. Opportunity to directly interact with each other is having an influence on the attractiveness and the formation of the group. In addition, the involvement tersebud based on the proximity theory.

In the proximity theory, a person can interact with others as well as the presence of the proximity space. In addition, also mentioned that the engagement process is based on practical reasons. employees of an organization, for example, will organize through economic reasons, and social security. However, the most important in this theory is that each group will tend to give satisfaction to the social needs that are fundamental and substantial of any group of people who were. An organization itself was formed because of the exchange theory, theory of equations and the theory of complementary attitudes. In exchange theory, the interaction process that occurs in a group is realized through a process of exchange between the benefits and costs in each interaction. Someone will get rewarded with the satisfaction or insufficient part needs. According to exchange theory, the relationship that is created and maintained this one because of the opinion that he gets a higher return than the cost to be paid.

According to Festinger, a person who entered in a social group basically has the desire to perform an evaluation on him. By going to a social group, then someone will find out what others think of him. Included in it about what things are good, it is permissible and forbidden to do. In the interaction of these organizations, then one can find out whether the ideas, thoughts and considerations in tune with social realities. On the other hand, Helbert and Ray mentions that the involvement of a person in an organization based on their desire to satisfy personal goals they have. Organizations as a means for guiding a person reach their goals could not obtain alone.

Another base that underlies a person goes into a organiassi is that the organization is the mobility for the business to achieve these goals. In addition, the organization also makes a person has the ability to complete or perfect the thing that goes in one's personal goals. This will be difficult or less likely to be achieved without the involvement of the organization. later, the engagement also meet the biological needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, water, air, etc. in order to sustain life. With the entrance of the organization, one can expect some profit as well as the specific contribution of the organization as well as perfecting a particular purpose.

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