Monday, July 2, 2012

History of High Jump Sports

High jump sport is one of the many branch known by the public. Although not among your favorite sport, but sport is one of the sport that usinya quite old. High jump sports have been known since the 19th century. High jump sport was first introduced in Greece during the Olympic event. Where at the time, when the Olympic Games held in Scotland recorded a high jump world record is 1.68 meters. In the early days of the sport's high jump was introduced, many athletes who use gunitng style. That is why the scissors style is also known as a classic style. Therefore, this style is a style that is used since the sport was first introduced in the world.

At this time, the style of this scissors are not used much anymore in professional sports. However, there are still some athletes who use the scissors style when performing a jump. Typically, this style is done by the amateur high jumper or just do it occasionally. This method is no longer used because it is considered to be ineffective in achieving the highest leap. Leap forward by using this style is done using the footrest away from obstacles. When jumping, legs crossed at the top of the crossbar and agencies across the bar with cutting style. Since it is considered less efficient and have a high risk during landing, this style is not recommended to be done while doing the high jump.

Entering the 20th century scissor style technique has been updated by an Irish citizen, the American MF Sweeney's. This style is called the Eastern cut-off, which means a jump memnyerupai scissors style. Only by using this style, the back of a horizontal body position at the bar to jump. By using the style, Sweeney managed to create a record leap of 1.97 meters tall he made in 1895. The mention of style with the name Eastern style because this style is not because people relate to eastern Asia or the other. This happens because the style was originally used by the next Sweeney digunkaan by many East coast American society. This then led to force jumps performed by Sweeney called by the name of Eastern style until today.

In addition to the style introduced by Sweeney, there are still American citizens who contributed to creating a new style in the high jump. Person is M. F orine who managed to improve and create a more efficient technique known as West Bolster style. With a style that created it, MF Horine managed meciptakan new record leap of 6 feet 7 inches tall in 1912. With the success of his style, then a lot of jumping and using a style that mimics the creation. This is mainly done by many countries in the region of the jumper from the American West.

This is why, new style, known as the West Bolster. This style is considered better and efficient than the eastern style or the style of scissors. Many jumper from ground water which is then introduced this style to make the leap. There remains one more style that is considered as the most efficient style of while doing jumps. This force is the force that is widely used by travelers of a jumper from the United States and Russia. This style is quite popular because it is considered from the mechanical force is quite profitable. That's why a lot of jumpers who use this style in order to obtain a maximum height of the jump. One proof that this style is widely used by the jumper is in the implementation of the Olympic Games in Rome in 1960. In the event, from 17 jumper that made it into the final round, 14 of them using the style of travelers. This is proof that this style is a style that is very popular among athletes in the high jump sport.

From several studies conducted by researchers of sport, proved that the western-style bolsters and style is the style most travelers approaching scientific concepts and the most effective. So that the force is capable of creating stylish jumps and optimal incentives in an athlete's body.

Importance of Exercise

In the sport of high jump, one of the important factors that will support the achievement is a factor of exercise. Therefore, training is an aspect of the merger between art and science. No successful athlete in a branch without regular exercise. Thus, the performance achieved by an athlete is not only determined by natural talent alone. Yet further, the talent and training should be run in tandem to create an optimal performance.

Talent is not trained, will not be able to create achievement. And conversely, a person who does not have a special talent, still has a chance to reach the optimal performance. In the high jump sports, exercise performed should be centered on the forces that will be used. In addition, the need for mentors who can provide technical assistance in order to grow and the spirit of an athlete in order to achieve optimal performance. So that they can become a winner in a championship and earn big rewards.

High jump sport is a process that should be done gradually secar. Starting from the preparation process to run, jump up to the point of preparation for the jump position and ended on the way to land. This is a continuous mutual process between each other. The overall concept is called a mechanical concept that if understood could create optimal results.

Mechanical factors

There are four things that are included as these mechanical factors. These four factors are :

1. Escape factor

In the high jump sport, ran a factor has a very important role to determine the success of the leap. However, it should also be noted, on the position of a leap, because the leap is too fast, causing uncontrolled footrests. So this will lead to a less than perfect jump. To that end, the best way to run away with a gradual increase rhythm. The closer the point of jumping then running speed should be increased.

2. Waist position currently rests

When running, your feet not to exceed the waist because it would cause a jump of less than the maximum. In addition, shortening the time of footsteps approaching the point of jumping is also recommended in order to improve the position of the hip. With a high hip position will be able to create the arch at that altitude jump even higher.

3. Angle jumps

Jump angle is the angle through the center of the body. The position of the athletes during jumping and this will form a parabola ditentuka when the athlete is lifting his leg while jumping. Jumper to start a jump and a landing at the same angle. Jump angle is obtained from the run rate in the period of preparation. The faster the run rate and minimal interference, then the jump angle will be more flat.

4. Landing

At the time of landing, a balance is needed. To that end, flew through the air when an athlete needs to determine the position of the arms and legs so that the process of determining the speed and style in the air easily done.

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