Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Japan Educational Excellence system

Japanese education is one of the orientations of the reference system used by many countries around the world. This is because Sakura education in the country is considered as one of the education system the best. Therefore, many people who make the country the Japanese as one of the goals when they want to continue their education to a higher level. Japanese education is also considered to have an important role in the process of advancement of Japan. In fact, the state capital in this Tokyo has experienced a huge disaster that destroys a lot of facilities in the country. This happens, when the last world war, in which two atomic bombs burst into the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused Japan's surrender from the Allies.

When destroyed, the Japanese did not make this condition as an obstacle and wail for too long. They quickly got up and work together in realizing the dream to re-establish the glory of Japan. One important thing to be a priority is to improve the educational system of Japan is believed to be the fundamental pillars of development. This occurred in the early days of the rebuilding of Japan. The teacher is a figure the most attention at that time. This is realized with the question of Japanese leaders, who asked for data on the number of teachers who are still alive after the devastating atomic bomb that claimed many casualties occurred.

Attention to the presence of the teacher is showing that the Japanese are concerned about education. The teacher becomes a highly respected profession in Japan. Because Japanese people realize, without the services of a teacher then they will not have the ability in any case. Furthermore, the Japanese do not akna achieve glory as they won today without the role of a teacher.

Evaluation System

One of the differences between Japan and Indonesia are education lies in the procedural system of evaluation of teaching and learning activities. In Indonesia, the system of evaluation that occurs usually lasts from one educator to students who are taught. But in Japan, the evaluation process is the case of students in their education related to teaching and learning activities are carried out. On this evaluation process, many aspects of materials used in the assessment of student teachers. Starting from simple aspects, such as disciplinary problems when teaching, how to deliver materials, teaching materials are delivered to the issues of discussion in the classroom assessment process. All aspects are the subject of assessment of a student in their education. The goal is to teaching and learning activities that exist, have a strict control process of the participant's own teaching and learning activities.

The process evaluation was conducted using an evaluation sheet to be filled by the students. In the sheet, students are given the opportunity to make an assessment on all aspects which are related to classroom teaching and learning activities. Later, the results of assessments made by the students will be forwarded to the faculty supervisor. And later, the teacher will get the judgment without knowing who pass judgment or opinion on an aspect. For educational institutions themselves, the assessment process has several benefits. Among others, they will know the quality of an educator. So in the future can determine whether a person is given a task to deliver teaching materials or not. All based on the assessment given by learners independently and confidential.

Evaluation can also be done without using this evaluation sheet. However, its function is no less effective in assessing the capabilities and qualities of an educator in the eyes of the learners. This second way, looks more impressive informal and relaxed conditions. Evaluation system using the second way is to use verbal communication media. Where a student will be invited to talk casually about their opinion about a teacher. It was here, will be dug many sorts of information about a teacher is. And information is what will become the reference for educational institutions to determine the assessment of the teacher in question. A legendary general assessment of a learner, can be a general overview of a teacher.

For example, if an excited state of learners taught by a teacher it can be concluded that in presenting the material ajarnya, an educator is in conformity with the provisions. And conversely, if there are students who complained about the manner of an educator is to teach the board of education institutions should be able to follow up. It's like asking what is considered to be less pleasant. If it is less pleasant directly related to teaching materials, the institution can then expressed his appreciation to the educator. However, when not teaching materials related to the problem, then the information can be entered into a preliminary assessment. Henceforth, the information must be dug deeper to get accurate data on what has been presented by the students.

Rate Assessment

The assessment process is not just happening at school. However, the evaluation process can also be made to higher education to post graduate level. Although for the assessment at this level, frequently encountered obstacles to obtaining the objectivity of the learner. Because, at this level many students who pass judgment on the basis of feelings of like or dislike in their teachers. To university level and postgraduate education, there are four main points are the subject of evaluation.

Examine the four main points in the evaluation process include :
  • Activity levels of students in college is concerned. This activity is associated with falling attendance and participation of students in classes at college goes.
  • Point in question is the problem of college in general.
  • The ability of classroom management by teachers. Example of the level of timeliness, the seriousness of teaching, action on students who are late or those who disrupt the learning activities.
  • Assess the general field, such as professors or the appearance of order in carrying out its obligations.

In this evaluation process, there is a difference between the evaluation system in schools and colleges. For the process evaluation conducted in universities, there is a special column on the evaluation sheet. This column is used by students to deliver judgment in the form of comments on the teacher being evaluated. This is an additional point on the outside of the points of evaluation that has been provided in the evaluation list.

Despite their differences, both these evaluation systems both have benefits for both teacher educators or lecturers. Because the evaluation system is made, every educator can obtain some information from the students. Thus, any shortcomings which have not known they can be aware of the students input. Thus, in the process of delivering educational material can be further improvements over the existing deficiencies. So that henceforth they could increase capacity in the future. And most important of the evaluation process is the magnanimity of the teachers on the evaluation given by all learners.

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