Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The beauty of the beach in Lombok

Indonesia is a country that is rich in coastal tourism. Beautiful scenery of the coast stretching from the western end of Indonesia to the eastern region of Indonesia. One of the famous beach scene is the beauty of Lombok. Beach trips in Lombok, you may not imagine being in Indonesia. Therefore, the feel of a wake may not equal that many beaches elsewhere in Indonesia. Therefore, many coastal areas in Lombok are covered with exotic views of white sand.

So cheap warm sunshine every corner of the beach in Lombok. That is why, many people who then spend time sunbathing on the beautiful white sand beach and enjoy the warmth. Senggigi Beach is one of the favorite beaches are visited by many tourists as they set foot in West Nusa Tenggara. Beach itself is located about 12 kilometers northwest of the city of Mataram. Senggigi Beach is known for its beautiful beaches and natural.

Many people say, the beauty of Senggigi beach parallel to the other beautiful beaches that are well known in Indonesia. For example Kuta, Legian, Sanur or Parangtritis also beautiful beaches in Yogyakarta. However, others claim that the beauty of Senggigi beach is still above the other beaches in Indonesia. This is because in Senggigi beach, tourists can still enjoy a more comfortable and quiet. One of them is because not many foreign tourists who come to the island.

However, in line with the amount of information circulating about this Senggigi beach, at present many foreign tourists who have made him one had a good tourist destination after Bali. The foreign tourists are attracted because of the news that the Senggigi beach is one of pristine beach that is still very strong feel of nature. This condition then makes a lot of parties interested in developing this area of Senggigi beach. One of them by building a facility that supports the world tourism in Senggigi beach. Thus, it is expected that more tourists visiting the beach.

Senggigi Beach Privileges

The tourists who love nature, especially the beach would have to make visits to Senggigi beach be a specific agenda. This is especially if they visit the island of Bali or Lombok. From the island of Bali, Senggigi beach can be reached in a matter of hours by land or sea travel. So comfortable that atmosphere that will awaken the wind moving through the breeze along the coast of Senggigi this cluster. This created its own freshness that will make the tourists feel comfortable and able to release all the tensions that exist.

When at the beach, tourists can enjoy the expanse of exotic beach with background waves followed one after another running around each other. Beach with the white sand also makes a distinct coolness that can not be found on any shore place. From Senggigi, we can also see many small animals stranded along the coast. They are scattered in various places that makes its own beauty. Mount Agung in Bali island could be seen dashing and elegant, makes beauty more complete view of Senggigi beach.

And here, seen the beauty and exoticism of this Senggigi beach. Distinctive charm, able to evoke the curiosity of the tourists to visit the site. While for those who have never been to this beach, there will always desire to always menyambanginya published again in the future. Offer a natural ambience with coolness and calm, able to provide stimulation and memories in the mind of the tourists. This is then able to distinguish the beach in West Lombok is a variety of other beaches, especially the beaches on the island of Bali.

On the island of Bali, is to save the beauty in each of the existing beach. However, of all the beaches, many are touched by the crowd of visitors. This is what distinguishes the Senggigi beach, which tends to be far away from the crowds. So for those who want peace with the nuances of tourism, Senggigi beach area is a very appropriate choice. In the area of Senggigi beach, we not only can refresh the mind with a view of the existing course. But we can also physically refreshed by doing physical activities there. For example, by swimming, playing water, diving, snorkeling or just sunbathing and making sand castles.

When the late afternoon, we could enjoy the scenery while walking along the beach shoreline. Enjoying the sunset with shades alternating waves hit the shoreline, creating exquisite nuance. If we are reluctant to up the coast, we can also just sit on the sand or from the edge of the hotels are widely available throughout this Senggigi beach. For those who like swimming activity, should have to remain cautious. Because, in some parts of Senggigi beach, there are quite a pointy rock contours. So this could pose the risk of causing injury to your foot.

One part that should not be forgotten during a visit to the Senggigi beach is visited Pura Batu Bolong. This temple is located about half an hour if within walking distance of Senggigi beach. Temple was built right on the beach. In a local community trust, the temple is called Batu Bolong which is often done in traditional ceremonies. The ceremony is the sacrifice of a virgin, which is dedicated to shark fish food sajiban who live at the beach. In the story mentioned that other beliefs in this temple, many women who flung himself into the sea when they were heartbroken.

Senggigi area is also known to have a fascination with the landscape at night, especially during the full moon. Around the coast, we can find many local residents who use the warm sand Senggigi as medical therapy. This therapy is a way to bury some or all of the body to the extent of the neck for 2 to 3 hours. During soaking in the sand, they enjoy the waves are believed to bring peace of mind as the chant music.

Local people believe that this therapy is capable of providing adequate health effects effectual. One is to cure various diseases in the body. Ranging from minor ailments such as fatigue and muscle aches to paralysis. If you been to Senggigi, please feel free to try these fenomanena.


Without a culinary tour seemed incomplete. In Senggigi Beach area, many restaurants offering a variety of menus. The price is quite varied from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. So that we can choose which menu to taste, good taste or even taste the stomach pouch. One of the specialties that do not forget to miss Lombok is Taliwang Chicken and Watercress Plecing. For both types of cuisine, almost all shops and restaurants in Lombok will provide it. Therefore, the menu is one of the specialties of the island of Lombok is the famous delicious.

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