Sunday, July 29, 2012

How to know the Different Types and Benefits of Palm Plants

Can any of readers who do not know palm plant? If there is, of course, very unfortunate given the pale mini plant is one species of ferns are widely available in Indonesia. At least there are about 460 species of palm that is included in 35 genera spread over parts of Indonesia. Of the many types of palm plants in Indonesia, of course there are many species of palm that his name is unknown. One cause because most species of palm in Indonesia is less flashy and not very attractive to be used as an ornamental plant that is often missing from public observation.

In Indonesia, only palms that have economic value such as rattan palm and has a beauty to be used as ornamental plants such as palm princess familiar existence. Beyond that, there is still much unknown. This requires the introduction of plant species to plant palms to the audience that is widely available in Indonesia is increasingly recognized and preserved.

Know the Types of Palm Plants

On this occasion, the author will introduce the various species of palm known names and characteristics. The hope of course that the more people know this and are interested in plant conservation. Type of palm that will be described here belong to the species of palm can be cultivated. You're curious, is not it? Listen.

1. Princess Palm

Daughter is a species of palm palm from Madagascar. Indonesia society seems to be more familiar types of mini pale compared with the other palm. This is because plants have broad leaves and green are now widely used as an ornamental plant, both of which are placed at the curb and planted in pots.

2. Bottle palm

Bottle palm is a species of palm from the United States. This type has a characteristic that can be easily identified, bubbling beneath the shaft and the shaft narrows it so it looks like the shape of the bottle. Relatively slow growth of mini pale and narrow so that the editorial does not necessarily require a large place.

3. Red palm

Red palm is a species of palm from Indonesia. Palm species is better known by the people of Indonesia with the name of red areca or betel nut. Native to Indonesia is widely grown in the lowland swamp forests up to 500 meters above sea level, namely in the areas of Borneo, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia. This plant has a characteristic form of the leaf midrib bright red, the growth, straight-trunked, and the height of about 6-14 m. Palm species seem tall as the trunk is not large, slightly curved leaves finned with children are somewhat stiff leaves.

The specialty of this palm species in the midrib and bone placed that bright red leaves. To maintain the color, the palm should be planted in a sunny spot. Because the color is attractive, this much-loved palm community, especially used as an ornamental plant and garden ornaments page.

4. King palm

Known as the king palm royal palm because it has a charming shape with a very sturdy stems, fresh green leaves with a length of 2-3 m. If there is a fall off the stem bark, usually will leave a mark in the form of a circle or a line of gray. Plant height can reach 25-30 m. Because of its high shade, more king palm planted on the roadside and in other places that require broad leafy plants. Apart from being an ornamental plant, palm are also grown as a conditioning king of the road. This has several species of palms, and the best known is Roystonea regia, R. buringuena, and R. elata.

5. Yellow Pelm

This palm plant has the Latin name Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Hyphorbe commersoniana, Hyphorbe indica, Areca palm, or Aresca lutescens. This palm from Madagascar and the United States. This palm has a characteristic form crowded growth, when grown in pots can reach 50-150 cm high, while if planted in the area can reach 8 m height. Feature of this palm can also be seen from the leaves of finned, mejemuk curved, and composed of strands of leaflets and located in pairs on petiole mother. The stem is round, segmented, and midrib covered with golden yellow leaf stalks are a little mixed green color.

6. Palm Paris

Although named Palm Paris, in fact this plant came from Borneo, Sumatra, and Java. This has a characteristic form of palm leaf-shaped fin, curved, with children leaves the meeting and fuzzy edges. This palm grows vines and crowded. Height of each rod is approximately 3 m in diameter to 2 cm. These palm leaves dark green, fruit skinny with fawn.

7. Fish tail palm

Fish tail palm is a species of palm from Burma, Malaya, and Indonesia. Fish named because the shape of its leaves is very similar to the fish. In addition to serve targeted features, this palm can also be identified from other features of the leaves shine with the bones of a pinnate leaf. Colour bright green leaves, length 20 cm and 15 cm wide. For his own height, this palm can reach 3 m more.

8. Cabbage palm

Cabbage palm from New Britain, Papua New Guinea. This palm has a characteristic fan-shaped leaves with wavy folds like a cabbage leaf kola. This palm has a spiny leaf stalks on both sides. When planted in the yard, could reach 3 m high with a trunk diameter over 7 cm long, leaves about 40-50 cm, and width of leaves can reach 60-70 cm. The leaves have two distinct colors, ie, the bottom light green, medium green shiny top. This plant produces beautiful flowers and striking, so many are proud of it. When flowering, these plants will beautify your home page.

9. The fan palm

Named because the fan palm leaves a half form a circle like a fan. The center line of the leaves about 30-50 cm. Own about 90 cm high. Fan palm has a fiber-like threads that depend on the leaf segments are shaped like a finger. Of the many species of palm, this species is the most powerful and long lasting life in the room.

10. Palm Wregu

This palm originated from South China. This has similarities with palm fan palm, because the leaves are semi-circular shape, but the glossy dark green. The plant has a maximum height of up to 2 m. These plants will look more beautiful if kept in the room. In addition to the ten species of palm that has been discussed before, in fact there are many other palm species found in Indonesia, for example, various types of cane-rotan, palm, and coconut. It's just not a lot of it is grown because of its less attractive, especially as a decorative plant.

Most of the species of palm seeprti rattan, coconut, and palm plantations planted by the parties. Now, after knowing the various types of palm plants, now is the time to know the benefits of palm. What are the benefits? Here's the description.

Benefits of Palm Plants

Different types of palm plants have a variety of uses for life. Some of the benefits that can be enjoyed from the palm species, such as sugar to make sugar, palm wine, and fruit to make to and fro. In addition there is oil that is often used for vegetable materials and ingredients to make cooking oil. There are also palm oil to make cooking oil and soap making materials. Then there is the cane that is used for household items and some other types that are used as an ornamental plant. Well, that's our introduction to plant palms. Hopefully with this new knowledge of many readers who are interested in preserving this plant. May be useful.

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