Sunday, July 29, 2012

How to control Plant Pest and Disease of Coconut

The presence of pests and diseases require special handling because it is harmful to plant coconut Kopyor. Kopyor coconut plants attacked by pests and diseases that normally would have productivity, which in fact rarely attacked oil will not produce fruit for some time. The question then arises, how to control pests and diseases that attack crops of coconut? Here is the description.

Coconut pests in Kopyor Coconut

Koppyor coconut is one of the very profitable agribusiness commodities. The number of market demand for oil each year is always on the increase. Of course, the request must always be balanced by an adequate oil production. However, what if many of the pests of coconut plantations? Obviously the amount of oil production will no longer match market demand, is not it? To avoid this, the coconut farmers Kopyor always have to keep the plants from annoying pests. The following authors will provide reviews of some pests that often attack oil and control the most appropriate way.

1. Coconut beetle pest

Coconut beetle or who has the Latin Oryctes rhinoceros is the enemy of coconut is ranked first, whether viewed from the destructive capabilities, extensive distribution, stability, and the population throughout the year. Coconut beetle breeding grounds, among others, is the material that has been weathered, such as palm trunks, sawdust, rice hulls, waste piles, cow manure, to the other organic materials. With so many media to proliferate, palm weevil larvae will have a good breeding process in a very rotten coconut trunks. Therefore, it is not surprising that later became the enemy of the beetle coconut oil is best because the population is in the palm trunk. Coconut beetle will always try to undermine the coconut trees in order to maintain the population.

In Indonesia, palm weevil pest can cause very serious damage to coconut plantations. Unmitigated, this pest has spread in 18 provinces and caused huge losses. Coconut beetle attack will usually coconut leaf midrib, causing the unopened coconut midrib broken before producing fruit. If this is left unchecked, then the fruit will be reduced. Not only that, the palm beetle pests can also cause young plants to die.

2. Pest Grasshoppers

Grasshoppers or who has the Latin name Sexapa sp. This is a chronic pests that attack a wide range of plants. Properties of locust infestation, widespread attacks seen in recent years in the geographical area is fairly explosive. Who knows how many of the losses of farmers due to locust infestation. In Indonesia, there are at least three species are often attacked Sexapa coconut plantations and other plantations, namely S. nubile, S. cariacea, and S. karnyi. Regional distribution of these three species Sexapa, including North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Maluku and Irian Jaya.

In the locust, and Imago befallen active at night and can damage the leaves, young fruit, and flowers. In fact, if not impossible to very severe attacks will cause any deaths in the coconut, including coconut Kopyor.

3. Pest Artona

Pest Artona know who has the Latin name Artona catoxantha is the main actor that causes tremendous damage to the agriculture and oil palm plantations in Java, Sumatra, and Kalimantan. Artona pests attacking coconut trees by laying eggs that are very small at the bottom of the leaf surface. After hatching, the caterpillars will eat up Artona child leaves, so that the bite marks are often the point of entry of the fungus disease that can cause the child leaves partially or completely dry. Artona life cycle from egg to caterpillar start usually takes approximately 5-6 weeks.

Artona pests generally characterized by a synchronous generation is not the same for each week. In the first week, there is usually only an egg, two-week emerging young larvae, and in the next weeks before emerging Artona very detrimental to adult stage.

4. Pest Tirathaba rufivena

One of the other pests that attack plants often are Thirathaba Rufivena Kopyor coconut. Larvae of this pest will usually damage the relationship of male and female flowers when the plants are just beginning to bear fruit. Damage to the relationship of male and female flowers will certainly inhibit the growth of fruit and put an end to the emergence of other fruits. Very detrimental.

5. The form of various type of caterpillar pests

Not only attacking cultivated plants, such as mango, orange, and apple, it turns out different types of pests that can attack the caterpillar of coconut. At least there are some types of caterpillars that often attack oil. Here are some of them. Cheromettia sumatrensi. This pest resembles the larval form of gelatin, did not have spikes, small, oval-shaped, and has yellow spots. Regional distribution of caterpillar pests include the island of Sumatra, Java, and Bali.

Pectinarosa Alastor. Larval form of this pest with Cheromettia hampr sumatrensis, which resembles jelly, not prickly, and oval shaped. Tetapai, larvae of this pest with a creamy white patches that melebat brown. Chalcocelis albiguttata. Larvae form resembling jelly, not prickly, somewhat longer than Cheromettia, no yellow spots. Regional distribution of larvae include the island of Java, Sulawesi, and Maluku.

In addition, there are still other types of worms that often interfere with coconut Kopyor, namely Parasa spp., Namely Parasa lepida and Parasa balitkae, as well as pest Thosea monoloncha. Pest-ham mentioned above needs to be done in an integrated manner, ie by overcoming the technical culture, the utilization of natural enemies, orchard sanitation, do tar on the wound of palm plants periodically, pohin burn the dead, and bury the rotten dregs Ampat-minimal deep as 0.5 meters. Moreover, it can also be done by providing feedback sago mixed insecticides.

Diseases of the Coconut Kopyor

In addition to pest attacks, coconut Kopyor also have another enemy no less deadly. This time the enemy is coming from a variety of diseases that attack this plant. Several types of diseases common in this plant, including stem bleeding, foul and fallen fruit buds, and leaf spot

1. Stem Bleeding Disease

This disease is a type of disease caused by fungus Caratocystis paradoxa (Dade) Moreau. Typical symptoms of a reddish-brown discharge from cracks in the trunk. If left unchecked this fluid will dry up and causes decay to most parts of the stem. Control of these diseases can be done by means of tar and applying insecticides on the coconut tree which indicated injury.

2. Tunas and Autumn Fruit Rot

This disease is a type of palm disease caused by Phytopthora palmivora cebdawan (Bult.). Generally this disease on subjugate the young shoots and fruits over the age of 2 months. These symptoms first appear in a pale yellow coconut somewhat biased and eventually break or fall. Then, attack the fruit is characterized by the appearance of small brown spots on the skin of the fruit. Over time, these spots will enlarge so that the fruit will have a miscarriage. To control this desease can be done with the use of healthy seed, dismantle and destroy diseased plants heavy oil.

3. Leaf spotting

The cause of this disease is a fungus Pestalotipsis palmarum. Visible symptoms of the leaf has so many patches are translucent. These patches over time will turn into gray, and gray on the black dot will appear. Heavily infected leaves will die. Control of these diseases can be done by using a healthy seedlings, provision of adequate water, sanitation, gardens, and adequate fertilization.

Well, that's a glance information on the procedures for control of pests and diseases that attack plants Kopyor coconut. May be useful.

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