Thursday, May 24, 2012

Oxygen vital functions in the human body

Oxygen is the most important requirement for humans. Humans need to breathe the gas. Without these substances, the human will to survive only in a few minutes. You can imagine what it could not breathe, my throat was choked, and stopped in my throat and airways. As a result, it is likely, people will lose breath and cause death. As already known, the adult human body has about 5 liters of blood in which there is a substance called oxygen. Breathing exercises will be able to facilitate the circulation of blood O2 carrying these substances. 
Various functions of human organs requires O2 to carry out its work, such as organ of the brain, heart, muscle, kidney, intestine, and skin. O2 gas was found for the first time by Carl Wilhelm Scheele in 1773. The functions of human organs will run balanced and appropriate to the needs of O2 gas.

Vital functions of oxygen in the brain, heart, and human muscle

The presence of oxygen to the organs of the human body is very important. For the functioning of the brain in humans, will require oxygen at 20 percent of your body needs oxygen. Organs the brain does not have a cavity to accommodate the excess oxygen. So, if the brain is deficient is 8 to 10 seconds will cause a coma for humans. The danger again, if not cure, sufferers risk death.

This substance also plays a major role in the function of the human heart. Cardiac require gas by 5 percent. This is useful for maintaining the stability of the heart in pumping blood throughout the body. As we know, the heart has four chambers consisting of booths that will drain the blood throughout the human body. The heart works to pump blood throughout the body and the flow O2 and nutrients that are important to every part of the body.

It is conceivable if the heart of O2 deficiency. Blood could not flow in the circulation of the human body, of course, fatal consequences. Substances can be a great energy for the heart to drain the blood throughout the body.Blood flows from the heart through a thick walled vessels called arteries and strong. These arteries then branched off to form a thinner vessels called capillaries. Capillaries would then recombine to form a wider vessels called veins or veins. From this vein, the blood will then be channeled back to the heart.

Human muscle is very useful to support all the activities you do. Without the muscles, you will not be able to move. If you are running hard and feeling out of breath afterwards, you should watch because it's a sign of muscle oxygen deficiency. On muscle function, the presence of these gases play a huge role. Muscles need it as much as 15 percent.

Vital Oxygen on Renal Function

Function of the kidney, intestine, bone, skin and other organs in desperate need of oxygen in carrying out its role in the human body. Magnitude percent is 20 percent for kidney function, 35 percent in bowel function, and 10 percent in the function of bone, skin and other organs. Renal function was normal in order to cleanse the blood in the human body. For 24 hours, the kidneys are working overtime to filter the blood as much as 200 liters. Of course, the kidneys will be stable when you get O2 gas supply in the human body. If not, the risk of kidney disease will be obtained on the human body.

The kidneys filter blood and produce a liquid called urine. Urine will drip from each kidney down a tube called the ureter into the elastic pockets. Urine is then stored in the pouch until it is time for disposal.

Vital functions of oxygen in the human intestine

Intestine requires a 35 percent oxygen in carrying out its functions in the human body. Have an important role in intestinal absorption of food and digestive organs besides the stomach food. In the intestine, intestinal villi are villi, which must work constantly to be able to digest food. To function, intestinal gas, of course require O2, especially when one end of the meal, the intestines will work hard to set the food is digested by the body.

Intestine is divided into two, namely the small intestine and colon. Despite its name the small intestine, it is the longest part of the small intestine in the digestive system. In adults, small intestine length of approximately 6.5 meters and a width of 35 millimeters, made up of three parts, the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.

Through this small intestine and nutrients from food substances that are useful for the body to be absorbed. The small intestine is filled with finger like forms called small tuft-tuft (villi). These fingers have small blood vessels inside the sucking of food chemicals.

The colon is a colon after the small intestine. The length of the colon is only 1.5 meters. However, up to 6 inches wide, consists of three parts, the cecum (including the appendix), colon, and rectum. In the colon, water and small amounts of the remaining nutrients are absorbed and then be called a dirty lump feces (droppings of the body). Stool is assembled at the bottom of the shaft of the colon and colon or rectum. From there the feces will be excreted through the anus.

Vital functions of Oxygen on Skin

The skin is useful as the first layer of the human body. The skin protects the body from dirt, water, and bacteria, as well as the heat from sunlight or very cold weather. Most of the human body consists of water and the skin that prevents the body from drying out.

Beneath the skin's surface, living cells will generate many new cells are filled with keratin. These cells will then die and move toward the surface and then peeled back. This whole process will take 4 weeks. Keratin is the hard and strong substance that meets the surface of dead skin. Cells that exist in the human body as it moves to peel off and then clean and dry.

Skin organ consists of three layers, each of which has a different role. Skin organ composed of dermis, epidermis, and the nerve core. Dermis is the subcutaneous layer. In the dermis there is a thread that is very small, branched collagen produced by the substance. In the dermis there are also small blood vessels, sweat glands, and micro-sensors that detect touch. 

The skin is useful to remove the sweat or body heat when people in hot or cold conditions. The skin can make your body temperature stays the same. When a person is overheated, sweat will come out of the skin. When dry, the sweat that will draw heat from the body. The skin will keep your body sweats to keep cool. Sweat is produced by glands in the dermis layer. Sweat function removes heat from the body and helps cool the body. Damage to the skin can occur in humans. The causes include lack of that.

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