Saturday, May 26, 2012

The food chain in an ecosystem

Food web is a collection of some of the food chain in an ecosystem are interconnected and integrated. So, what is a ecosystem? Before explaining the definition of the ecosystem, you'll want to know the origin of the ecosystem.

Establishment of ecosystem

At one area, a population with other populations will interact to form a community. The relationship between the community being the environment will form the ecosystem. Existing ecosystems will come together to form the biosphere. Thus, the ecosystem is an ecological system formed by the reciprocal relationship between living things with their environment, including food webs.

Ecosystems can be divided into two types, namely natural and artificial ecosystems ecosystems. Natural ecosystems are ecosystems in the formation process without any human intervention or natural, such as desert ecosystems and tropical rain forest ecosystem. Meanwhile, artificial ecosystems are ecosystems formed due to human intervention, such as fields, gardens, reservoirs, and the aquarium.

Ecosystem consists of a collection of plants and animals interact. Interactions that take place result in the process of eating and food that will shape the food chain. The food chain is an energy transfer from plant foods through food organisms or hierarchy. The food chain has two basic types. First, the food chain from grasses. Second, from the rest of the food chain (detritus food chain) microorganisms.

Ecologists distinguish the food chain into several categories, namely as follows.

Predators chain

At this class, the food chain starting from the plants being eaten by herbivores (consumer 1), consumers are eaten by consumers 1 2 (carnivores), consumer 2 will then be eaten by omnivores (consumers 3).

Parasites chain

Food chain was started by the larger organisms preyed upon by organisms that live as parasites, for example, is worms, bacteria, and parasites.

Saprophyte chain

Chain scheme saprophyte is an organism dies (is eaten) decomposing bodies.

Role of Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers in the Ecosystem

In an ecosystem, all beings have a vital role. There is a role as producers, consumers, and decomposers. Manufacturer is a provider of food for living organisms that this food will be eaten by the consumer 1 and consumer 3.

Consumers are predators manufacturer. Consists of producers living autotrophs, which means being able to produce their own food with the help of sunlight and chlorophyll. Consumers can be divided into consumer 1, 2, 3, and so on based on their level. However, everything is interconnected directly or indirectly.

There are consumers who get their food directly from the manufacturer. However, there is also a food indirectly by prey on other consumers.

Consumer is a herbivore (plant eating), carnivores will eat herbivores (consumer 2), while being herbivorous and carnivorous animals will eat the producers. Cycle through the food chain, we can see that everything is interconnected. If one component is missing, the balance will be disturbed.

Food chains in an ecosystem does not form a linear, but circular form of food webs are interconnected. Or decomposers decomposer organisms that are held by the saprophyte, decomposing bacteria and fungi that saproba. The Decomposer which plays a role related to the food chain to form food webs.

Decomposers provide nutrients needed by plants through the process of decomposition of the bodies of animals and plants die and decompose. The decomposition of dead creatures into nutrients produce carbon dioxide gas that plants need for photosynthesis.

In an ecosystem, a process known as the circulation of materials, transformation, accumulation of material through the organism, and accumulation of energy. In an ecosystem, incoming and outgoing energy and materials intended for the organization and its function has not changed.

Inorganic substances contained in it remains balanced and constant. This is because in the biosphere circulation of essential chemical elements forming biogeokimiawi protoplasm occurs through a cycle. Which belong to the cycle is a cycle biogeokimiawi oxygen, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, sulfur cycle, and the phosphorus cycle. Therefore, the balance of the ecosystem should be maintained.

If the constituent components of the ecosystem is damaged or disturbed, will result in the disruption of ecosystem balance. Balance of the ecosystem can be disrupted due to natural disasters, deforestation, poaching, pollution and volcanic eruptions.

Disturbances in Ecosystems

Food webs in each ecosystem is different because of different living things and biota. Any problem that occurs in an ecosystem resulting from the loss of one or more of the food chain will affect the ecological balance.

Examples of the environmental disruption is an event in Surabaya tomcat population explosion some time ago. Tomcat explosion can be caused by the loss of one part of the food web. In this case, the disruption of food webs due to the massive clearing of forests for development Wonorejo apartment. The resulting deforestation tomcat insect predators, which is a lot of geckos living in the forest migrate to people's homes. As a result, automatically tomcat population exploded because there are no predators.

Tomcat is a planthopper predators eventually migrate to the homes of people with light colored. This happens because the rice plant hopper insects place to live has a lot of loss due to Development of housing and shops. Can you not understand? Disruption of one component of food webs can have a profound effect on the balance of the ecosystem and human environment of course.

This is supported by a statement Foksi Java Manager, Indra Harsaputra, in Surabaya. He stated that tomcat attacks habitat destruction caused by changes in the natural food chain. According to Indra Harsaputra, in March 2012 was the culmination of a productivity planthopper predators tomcat. On the flip side, the other gecko is the predator population decreases tomcat hunted by humans.

According to the data controller Forest Ecosystem

Conservation Section VI Region Probolinggo, the catch quota of geckos in the wild reaches 50 thousand heads. This makes the city government needs to step in to curb the poaching of wild gecko. The goal for food webs in rice field ecosystem balance is not disturbed. Maintaining the balance of food webs with maintaining the balance of nature and the environment.

Wetland Ecosystem

Rice fields are man-made ecosystems. Humans play an important role in the structure, components, and field settings. Paddy field consists of biotic and abiotic factors. Which belong to the biotic factors are rice paddies, secondary plants, animals and wild plants.


Rice is the major producer in rice ecosystems. Rice is the main crop that you always encounter in the field. Secondary addition to growing rice plants, generally the farmers also grow other crops that have a harvest age faster or even longer, such as papaya, peppers, cabbage, and beans are usually planted on the edge of fields. Secondary spread goal is to keep farmers earn a living while waiting for the rice crop harvest.


Is a gathering place for many rice fields of wild and domesticated animals, like ducks, fish, birds, leafhoppers, snakes, and rats. Animals and plants that exist in the fields interact to form food chains and food


In addition to rice and secondary crops, the rice ecosystems there are also many plants that grow wild, in this case is a weed. In addition to biotic factors, abiotic factors found in the rice field ecosystem, for example, is water, sunlight, altitude, and temperature.

Below is a series of food webs in rice ecosystems.

Rice (producers) are eaten by leafhoppers (consumer 1). Planthopper (consumer 1) eaten by tomcat (consumer 2), tomcat eaten by geckos (customer 3), gecko eaten by an eagle and the body of decomposers (consumers 4). Eagles (consumers 4) eat snakes, rats, and geckos (consumer3), snakes eat frogs (consumer 2), frogs eat grasshoppers. (Consumer 1), the grasshoppers eat the rice plants (producers). Hawks eat mice (consumer 1), rats eat rice (producer). Eaten by the decomposers die eagle.

Thus the discussion of the ecosystem and I hope this information is useful and reminds us of the importance of maintaining the balance of nature.

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