Saturday, March 24, 2012

Shooting of Trayvon Martin Tragedy in Orlando, Florida

Shooting of Trayvon Martin Tragedy in Orlando, Florida - Washington DC : U.S. President Barack Obama expressed condolences to the family Trayvon Martin, Friday (23/3) local time. Trayvon Martin, 17, a shooting victim in Orlando, Florida, United States. The shooting of black teenagers sparked protests from human rights activists. Martin was shot dead on 26 February by George Zimmerman, 28 years old. President Obama states can only imagine what it's like being a parent Martin. First black president in the U.S. it also sends a message to the family of the victim that if he has a son so his son would like Martin.

Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigate violations of civil rights for it. While the jury is consider George Zimmerman tried as a shooter. Zimmerman defensively. He describes it as a martial do it. On Obama's speech, school friends Trayvon Martin marched. Of which they formed giant initials TM on the school grounds. While parents Trayvon Martin, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton, along with civil rights activists held a demonstration demanding Zimmerman was arrested and prosecuted.

Florida became an important region in the U.S. presidential election to be held next November. As a candidate of the Democratic Party, Obama does not want the center of Florida's unfortunate for him.

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