Saturday, March 24, 2012

How to Use Strategic Value List ?

How to Use Strategic Value List ? - The most important usage of this list is a ready reference when you develop the mission, vision, and strategy of your organization. Part or all of which may be formulated directly identified or not in your mission statement. By conducting an assessment of your value before developing a mission, you will be able to give a proper emphasis on the value of your mission statement. (I discuss the development of a comprehensive mission statement more the next chapter.)

Your vision statement, which are usually developed after the statement can be said to be almost entirely based on value. Destination is gives an overview of the inspirational and mutivasional which will move towards the organization. Similarly. your score will play a important role to define the thrust you and your strategic priorities put in place or when you develop your strategic direction.

Usually I do not advocate the dissemination of the list of values because those values will be loaded on a mission statement, vision, and your strategy. The statement will just be one additional document that may actually be reducing the effects of your message. But you may be able to provide a limited list of important stakeholders. Such as customers, employees. Owner of the company. If the mission, vision, and strategies do not put pressure should be. Be wary of the possibility of saturation material provided was limited. It should also be ensured that such a clear statement of your values looked your way to work everyday, because if not you will actually destroy your credibility own.

List your strategic value will also be a valuable reference when you continuing development of long-term and tactical plans. in addition to technical decision-making basis.

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