Sunday, March 25, 2012

Changing Work Happiness Till Finally Being Boring Success

Changing Work Happiness Till Finally Being Boring Success - Alarm at once appears when in my training class did not catch the expression happy? Within the executive candidates brilliant. Many complain that the organization requires the state bureaucracy. Many also felt victimized because of "junior". Most are not willing to go home at night, go on weekends, and did not find any "benefit" or the positive side of having to participate in events aimed at increasing motivation and to label such activity as "extracurricular" burdensome.

A more serious attempt to parse the length of the gap of hope in her personal life with career ambitions, so he at some point have to "choose" between a career or personal life. We certainly wonder whether life at the office is different from one hundred eighty degrees with home life, so many people chasing the balance of home-office alias "work life balance"? Are we not one person can be equally happy, while at work and at home? Is it in the office we have to "become someone else" and leave most of us at home?

As I discussed with the CEO who serves owners, the message that I catch is he wants all employees to be serious, focus on work, not playing games, and most importantly not cengar grin alias is not smiling. At once arises the question: "Should work as" ngoyo the "?". The whole effort of work we do is because we want to be happy, right? Are not we human beings need a "frontline" that are happy from within, so that customers feel truly served wholeheartedly? When this happy situation can we grow, in addition to "turnover" is smaller, it is definitely going to increase productivity in terms of both quality and volume.

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