Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Toward this new year

Toward this new year

Toward this new year, you're feeling lost way of life, listen to this ...

In the darkness of night, like in the dark view of life, all active and sharpened 

senses. You pay more attention to the near, and clung to that already in your grasp.

Indeed some people more easily cursing the darkness, but the soul like you should 

pay more attention to the sources of light.

Who else should be most grateful for the light but he was lost in darkness?

Do not imitate those who refused to come to light, and cursing people who lit 

candles in the distance.


It is precisely in the darkness of life, appear more bright light of truth as the 

only clue.

Wherever you see the light of truth, Go to the.

Relax yourself leaving a dark place.

The truth is that if you approach the light, will seep into the hearts and 

yourselves, and be your light.

With the truth, your face will glow with affection, hatred disarm your voice, your 

words treating liver injury, enlightening view of your sentence, your advice to 

straighten your mind, your presence brighten togetherness, and your name to decorate 

your neighbor's lips.

Ooh ... wonderful treat of God to sincere souls who pull him from the darkness.

In this new, clear your heart of the alleged bad that only disconcerting, cleanse 

your mind from the burden that should you submit to God, and heed the way you carry 

yourself and treat your family and your neighbor.

The closer you come to God, and report it to really to restore yourself 

completely to the truth and love.

May every prayer and good wishes of every soul who reads this, a booster for your 

prayers and our prayers, which hasten the Lord's answers we long for, so we made new 

friends and brothers in truth and love, so that every soul we live with a smiling 

face peace in the family is close and intimate, in berezeki good job, and in a 

society of peace and mutual respect.


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