Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Do Not indulge CONCERNS

Not indulge CONCERNS

Do Not indulge CONCERNS

His good friend, let's say this as your sentence itself, from your heart more 

seriously ...

My God the Merciful,

I know that I must be careful with the habit of exaggerating fears.

Concerns have been making a lot of talented people - slow as a snail the complainer, 

irritable and blame others.

Whatever the problem, and like any pain my heart, I have to get up, because it could 

give you a very, very big problem, so I see all my worries considerably small and 


Lord, I ask you to give me a firm stand effort will begin today to not spoil a 

concern, so that light my breath, my chest airy, crisp laughter, and that I deserve 

for a peaceful and prosperous life.


"The greater the number of people who ask, the better for the asking."

If because of busy, you do not have time to write 'Aamin' or another message, please 

you 'Like' as a sign of your participation in our prayers this morning.

Thanks and greetings super,

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