Thursday, December 22, 2011

What Is a Cross Functional Management ?

What Is a Cross Functional Management ? - Well, you are president of your own company. Imagine yourself headed a subsidiary within a larger organization with so, you must cooperate with other subsidiaries to help achieve the overall desired results. To do this, you need to understand what "overall results" so you can determine contributions that deserve to be given. You also need to know what the plan your peer companies, and they need to know your plans, so you can work together for the common good. 

By working this way, it does not mean you lose your identity in the process; the contrary, this way it recognize the interdependence between the subsidiary. Cross-functional management means that, of necessity, most managers should affect the performance of other departments, and in turn they also will be affected.

In other words, the plan is the primary form of communication within and across Among the organizations that have an equal interest. the plan is means for you to be able to reach an agreement with the other party about the mutual expectations of mutual benefit. Plans were combines strategic and tactical planning. I will outline these approaches in a later article, with special emphasis on tactical planning, which is the main focus of this book.

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