Saturday, December 17, 2011

This did not work denigrated

This did not work denigrated

Her good friends,

On this peaceful Sunday morning, the intention Do this for yourself, and say as your sentence itself ...

I am the soul of independent rights and obligations in my life.

I am responsible for my own greatness.

I called a graceful and mature if I am free from the intimidation of others' opinions.

I'm more concerned about my respect to myself, than to the opinions of others.

I'll be prosperous because that accomplish, not because I have asked of them.

And if I failed because the listening sneered and scoffed them, whether they will sympathize cost of my life?

God, I hope you are proud to be a soul trully independent and responsible for the good of my own life, along with beloved family.

Give me the power to become a person who does not work denigrated.


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