Saturday, December 17, 2011

My brothers that have a good heart

My brothers that have a good heart, Did you know that small differences in each person, which will have a major impact for each of our lives? 

Small differences have a major impact, it is attitude. 

Great man who abandoned his little people, will be reduced. 

Little people whose attitude is respectful, hasten work, and always trying to benefit others with the ministry, will not long be small. 


Rich people are complainers, would be poor. 

And, poor people are full of gratitude, would be rich. 

So, let us maintain our good friendship, to remind each other for the good of our own attitude, that each of us become a person who was raised by God to classes for a better life again. 


I thank you that has 'the heart' to remind parents who forgot that today was Saturday. He he he ... sorry huh? 

Ibu Ani has managed to train me to completely rely on the guard - he called me this 'pet man'. 

Everyday, I follow the course schedule made by Mrs. Ani with Management Team. So, when I feel like not being required to do anything serious, I felt this morning - a Sunday. 

Luckily my parents are busy, so that one day call excusable, and even for Mrs. Ani - this morning, I was funny and unyu-unyu. 

He he he ... love your wonderful sense of this. 

Stay happy and excited, 

Loving you all as always

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