Monday, December 19, 2011



His good friend, on the Monday morning we are closer to the end of 2011, say this as your sentence itself ...

My Lord the Most Prosperous,

I have often promised, in great resolution at the beginning of each year, which glitter with high dreams, and burned with great enthusiasm.

You have been watching me tossing and turning at night my body is not sleep, fantasizing about the greatness of life, a plan detailing the achievement of the greatness of me, and imagine the pleasures of life that is more classy.


You have also seen how I forgot, even forgetting themselves, from the promises and resolutions - not just this year, but in the years prior to this recurring.

My power to dream, not as good as my ability to delay.

Is that why I find it hard to believe myself ?

And whether it's the underlying restless about my future, because I entrust my life to someone who does not respect his promise to himself?

My Lord the Most paved,

I apologize for my slowly that cause regarding the use of time in my life.

Time is the fundamental building blocks of life. So if I'm wasting time, actually I'm wasting my life.

I ask you to immediately do supply my power restpect have for seriously, to complete my duties, and to live in accordance with plans and prayers.

Prevent me from wanting one thing, but doing other things that get me away from the ability, of the establishment, and of welfare.

Lord, Stand my efforts to become more honor my promise to myself.


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