Monday, December 19, 2011

Life is serialized

Life is serialized - You who feel somehow lost power and the desire to do something important for your life, listen to this ...

Life goes on.

Do you complain, protest, or grateful, ... life goes on.

But you are not alone.

Know that behind the veil of elegance, or shields valor, and behind all the joy and laughter that echoed loudly in the association's popular, in fact ... a lot put troubled hearts, are not powered, is tired of pretense, which wanted to scream so wilds, who want to gallop blindly remove themselves, and who want a good cry in the middle of busy hectic crowds.

Surely you are not alone, then love your neighbor as you should love yourself.

Surely not easy being you.

People around you sue to meet their standards of what is called successful, contemptible you, if you do not look like have made it, laugh at your dreams, doubts your really, and encouraging them to sue you neglect your need to live at peace with yourself.

You shall love you.

Do not scold her for not his deliberated mistakes, or he does because of lack of curiosity.

Be patient with the slowness in repairing itself.

Did not you always say that man is not perfect? Then, why do you scold him because of lack of his perfect ?

The softly you most need it.

Do you not feel sorry for his efforts to encouraging greedy people are arrogant, which is richer than you, that he hoped would prefer giving to you if he preferred laughter and praise for them?

You actually have exhausted your service, which many dream but lazy act, which many protested but easily offended, and that insecure but cocky.

Derive the moment your voice, and speak in a tone of voice that is more compassionate to yourself.

Derive the nose and face up to impress a lot of confidence, and friendly your face when you look in the mirror.

Be more honest with yourself.

The wants are great, but upright perform simple and that the ability to perform.

Haste do you plan to do it and be faithful to finish, so you trust the promise-promise him.

Sit closer to yourself. Be friend with him.

Thou shalt not make you feel no need, because you regret all the shortcomings, while forgetting the advantages and kindness.

Ask apologize to you.

Of all the most in need of apology for unresponsible way of life, is yourself.

Hopefully, the friendships are friendly, respectful, and loving with yourself, God see with yourself in one of the more noble soul consciousness with the increasing age.

For verily, thou and thy soul are one.

But the noble soul of authenticity, such as split into two parts which do not reconcile with each other.

Because, your soul's authenticity could not be kept intact, with the bad you permit lust instead of the pure soul energy.

So, you draw near to God, in close, in a serene indulgence, and in an honest compassion tears your soul.

Because, in the closeness that you have purified.

Because, Lord do not allow anything dirty closer to Him.

Your soul is near to Him and the spoiled, will be cleaned.

And in your soul's cleanliness kedamaianmu grow.

Now ... bowed self and soul, in lovingly worship before the Lord who missed tears.

O my soul a quiet smile on your face ... heed it.

Lord was looking at him lovingly.

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