Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How your boss assess on your appearance ?

beautifull employees
How your boss assess on your appearance ?More than a third of bosses or leaders to assess, some of their employees using too thick make-up while working. Through a poll that was held by, bright red lips, eyelids shadow made-up, and blush that is too thick is seen as a mistake at work and at work. Lipstick colors are very striking rated as a very unattractive appearance. As many as 32 percent of the managers who were asked said they thought the colors are bright lips too much to wear while working in the office.

Meanwhile, 28 percent of managers admitted that do not like the make-up of excessive eye, while 15 percent said it was not like the color of blush that is too thick and menor. But there are about 12 percent of employers who said that they really like women who dress up when going to the office. However, nearly all said they liked the employee with the make-up simple. The poll was conducted on 500 men and women with equivalent leadership position as manager in the UK.

A speaker as quoted by the Daily Mail, explains, "Most of us try to always show the best in the workplace, but sometimes even an advanced redundant and far from impressive". "But indeed, what we think is good is not necessarily considered the same by others, especially superiors. The bosses who we spoke to admitted that they had no problem with if employees want to try to perform well in office. However, they do not like the make-up too much. "

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