Monday, December 19, 2011


ANGRY WITH BEAUTY - Her good friends,
This seriously in this peaceful morning, and say from your heart ...

My God the Merciful,

I realize that,

Anger is a blessing, that I find great strength to change my situation and circumstances that afflict society or destroy nature.

Which you are forbidden to use her anger to cause damage. Taste is MY temper power to make myself more assertive promote kindness and prevent damage.


Patient is still feeling angry, but do not use it to humble myself and ruin a good relationship with others.

So, my Lord the Almighty,

I ask You to bless my efforts today and in the long period ahead,

to become a person capable of anger with grace,

that is still felt angry but look on his face that choose to respect myself,
using words that correspond to the goodness of my heart,
nurture compassion in my voice,
expressed hope for improvement to the person who made ?? me angry,
smiled at the denial,
require compliance if I was authorized,
if not - I pray that he is aware of the need to improve themselves,
and go to their happy good to me.

Lord, make my anger like water under a beautiful lotus flower.

I personally make a graceful and beautiful, in any sense.


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