Sunday, October 16, 2016

Tips On Gives Food To Baby In an Emergency

Tips On Gives Food To Baby In an Emergency, Feeding Your Baby in an Emergency, Keeping Baby Food Safe in an Emergency, Poor Feeding in Infants: Causes, Emergency Care & Treatments. - Tips On Gives Food To Baby In an Emergency. Natural disasters that can happen anytime and anywhere especially in Indonesia is very vulnerable to flooding, earthquakes or tsunamis. This makes a lot of people to be vigilant, especially for mothers with babies. Basically, infants and toddlers are still very vulnerable to changes in environmental conditions. How do I do to provide food aid, especially in infants in an emergency ?

No one is likely to want a disaster, but you must be prepared to cope with the worst that happens especially when you're having a child under five. At the age of toddlers attention to the most important health because it will support the development and growth. The main concern of the health of toddlers are given food when in a pinch. Relief is given at the time of emergency conditions required coordination with all parties. Assistance from the volunteers, donors and government attention in knowing the infant feeding in emergencies.

Here are some steps that you can do when you're in an emergency situation in order to provide food to the baby :

A. Breastfeeding in an emergency :

  1. Limitations of existing facilities in the shelters is very important to note, for example when it is more important to be breastfeeding in Preparing infant formula and clean water in adequate amounts.
  2. If possible you still breastfeeding because breast milk has antibodies that are required by your baby, especially vulnerable to diarrhea, infant mortality and malnutrition.
  3. To prevent the spread of diseases like diarrhea, then you can clean it using clean water and a special soap to wash your baby equipment.

B. Provision of complementary foods

For those of you who will give Complementary feeding in infants according denan recommendation from the Health Department's website then you can follow the instructions as follows:
  1. Complementary feeding is only given to infants 6 months old.
  2. Their data collection is done by volunteer officers so as to assist in the distribution of appropriate complementary feeding to baby's needs.
  3. In general, refugees can obtain solids which have been specially packaged.
  4. Note the cleanliness of food equipment for your baby to reduce the spread of disease in refugee environment.
  5. If possible then you can provide local materials in use in the manufacture of hygienic equipment MPASI.
  6. Nutrient content can be tailored to meet the needs recommended nutrition (micronutrients and macronutrients)

Thus for you in providing help as a volunteer or are in refugee camps, then you can add information, breast to breast feed because it is proven to provide natural antibodies needed by your baby. Pay attention to your baby's health provider milk substitute if not allowed to breastfeed and provide enough extra food according to your child's age.

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