Monday, October 10, 2016

How To Overcoming Step in Infants and Toddlers ? - How To Overcoming Step in Infants and Toddlers ? Overcoming Step In Infants - Facing a step or infants with febrile seizures often cause parents to panic and worry. So how should face the baby who had a step or a febrile seizure ? Infants are generally still vulnerable to certain health conditions. Where one of the health problems that would make parents worry and anxiety that the baby had a high fever. Fever in infants caused by several factors, one of which is because there is a virus infection that the baby's body defenses to work more actively. High fever experienced by the infant trigger seizures or more commonly known as febrile seizures or step.

Seizures itself occurs due to excessive muscle contraction in a certain time and can not be controlled. Where the cause of the seizure is for your child's temperature is high. Febrile seizures are generally rarely cause death or sequelae. However, febrile seizures need to watch for seizures for a long time or more than 15 minutes will cause the brain's nerve is damaged so that it will be paralysis or epilepsy or mental retardation.

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Overcoming Step In Infants

Every child has a fever of tolerance towards different. In children who have a low tolerance, fever with a body temperature of 38 degrees C was able to cause seizures. Whereas children whose seizures normal tolerance will be experienced if the child's body temperature to 39 degrees Celsius.

Type Seizures Fever in Infants and Toddlers

Based on the duration of the seizure itself, febrile seizures in infants and young children can be divided into several categories as follows.

    Fever Seizures Simple

Simple febrile seizures are febrile seizures are common and experienced by infants and toddlers. Febrile seizures have duration of several seconds or less than 15 minutes. Simple febrile seizure will occur all over the body, but it will not happen within 24 hours.

    Seizures Fever Complex

Children who experience complex febrile seizures seizures seizures usually be up to more than 15 minutes on a particular body part. Where this febrile seizures can recur within 24 hours. Febrile seizures like this would normally be experienced by infants aged over 6 months to 5 years old son. In some rare cases of febrile seizures in infants under 6 months old and 3 year old child.

Characteristics Step / Seizures Fever

Here are some characteristics of febrile seizures in infants or step that should be known by every parent :
  • Both hands and feet of the little stiff accompanied by shock movement and he had a seizure for 5 minutes
  • The eyeball turns upward
  • Baby Vomiting
  • Clenched teeth
  • If breathing stops for a moment
  • In some cases, the child can not control urination or defecation
  • In severe cases, the child to unconsciousness
  • The intensity of seizures experienced by each child varies, from a few seconds to tens of minutes

Tips to Overcome Step In Infants

When your baby has a fever or seizures step, do not wait any longer you must immediately address step in infants. Here are some tips to overcome step in infants.

    Bring To Physicians For First Aid

In order for things that are undesirable happens, it is highly recommended on every parent to immediately provide first aid to learn that your baby has a step. Do not wait any longer, immediately take the child to the doctor or the nearest clinic. You do not dwell on the length of a small seizure, be it only a few seconds or so minutes. Because then, your child will get the best treatment from the experts first.

Usually the doctor will give medicine for fever, while prescribing drugs seizures and anticonvulsants. If the seizures are not getting treatment should be, then the child would be in danger mentally retarded. Febrile seizures or step will make brain cells become damaged. If the seizure lasts for a long time, it is most likely that the brain cells will loose more and more. So it is not possible intelligence of the child will not develop optimally and will decline drastically.

In some cases the step will lead to epilepsy. Parents should be alert when their child had a step. Because, after a year of febrile seizures occur, then a similar seizures are likely to be repeated. Knowing that, in anticipation of the kedaan you could provide antiseizure medications and fever medications that have been prescribed by a doctor.

    Be Quiet

When facing a child who had a step or a febrile seizure, then as much as possible you have to be calm. Even if you panic and worry, but not too much, because the situation will only make you do not know what to do.

    Avoid alcohol or Cold Water To Reduce Fever

To lower the fever your child, you should avoid using alcohol or cold water. Use of alcohol tend to cause irritation and toxicity in the small. To be safe, to reduce fever in the child should compress using plain water. You can put kompresan in the armpit, forehead and groin. With kompresan, the body temperature will evaporate the water contained in the fabric that is used to compress. Avoid providing certain types of medication such as aspirin or other medications containing salicylates. The drug is expected to trigger Reye syndrome. Reye's syndrome is itself a kind of rare disease that affects the performance of the brain, blood and liver.

    Give Enough Fluids After Sadar

After your baby is really conscious, you can persuade him to drink or consume foods that contain lots of water such as fruits.

    Avoid Quilt

Avoid blanket the child using a cloth or thick blanket. A thick blanket or thick clothing ofetn will make the baby's body temperature becomes more increased. Also avoid too tight clothes and tight.

Things To Do Parents When Children Seizures

When the baby seizures immediately you could loosen his clothing, remove all of which will inhibit breathing. If your child is eating or there is something in his mouth then immediately remove it. Tilt the child's body when he had a seizure, because the liquid will come out of your mouth when seizures. The discharge is actually the saliva of a polynomial for regulating nerve salivating uncontrollably. Will be disrupted when the central nervous convulsions so that in addition to saliva, tears can come out. Tilting the body is the way it can be done so that the fluid out immediately so as to prevent blockage of the airways.

In the midst of the people circulating the myth that stop seizures in children can be done by giving him a cup of coffee. However, it is not true at all. Precisely medical based coffee no role in seizures. Coffee is given when the child is seizure will cause blockage of breathing and can be fatal.

Immediately may take your child to the nearest hospital or clinic to get first aid.

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