Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How To Check Pregnancy Properly - How to Check Pregnancy Properly. Signs of pregnancy are often not realized by women so that became known as gestational age entered the age of 5-10 weeks. In fact, knowing the gestational age is helpful in maintaining pregnancy and reduce the risk of miscarriage. For those of you who want to know pregnancy can by using a pregnancy test or by laboratory examination. How do pregnancy checks from traditional to medical, even that can be done at home or use laboratory tools.

When do you need a pregnancy test kit ? Often women using a pregnancy test after the first day of your period is late. While the tool to do a pregnancy test after seven days conjugal istri.Salah only by using a pregnancy test or testpack are sold in pharmacies. To assist you in determining the accurate results, we'll let you know how to check the pregnancy. Here are some ways that you can use to find out you are pregnant.

How To Check Pregnancy Using TestPack

You should know that a pregnancy test done to find and detect the pregnancy hormone HCG as. Only in detecting the pregnancy hormone HCG production is highly dependent when performed test.

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Time is often used to perform a pregnancy test using testpack is morning. This is because the pregnancy hormone is produced morning higher as compared to any other time.

As for the pregnancy test menggunakaan may notice some of the following steps :

1. Consider When Holding Pregnancy Test Equipment

To determine the accurate results of testpack physical condition is very important to note. The first step check the expiration date and make sure it is valid. Signs that a pregnancy test can still be used has not been damaged in the pack or testpack.

2. Note How To Use It

Each testpack used have different instructions. You can read it in advance or when the confused can check toll-free numbers are usually provided box. Furthermore, keep the cleanliness of tools and body. The first step to wash hands with warm water and soap. After his release from the test equipment packs next patron sitting on the toilet and then use the space to hold urine.

Each test tools generally provide a container to hold urine. Urine is best used in the middle when you urinate. As for the pregnancy test tool that requires you to use the first urine then place the absorbent tip in the urine test tool with instructions outcomes facing up approximately 5-10 seconds.

3. Using Pipette To Determine The result

When using a pipette that has been provided and dipped into a container of the cup then you can do a pipette which has dipped to determine the pregnancy test into the container for approximately 5-10 seconds. In addition, note also the area where the majority control of the tool will display a line or symbol will indicate a valid test. If you have difficulty in determining the outcome where the indicator does not appear possibility tool test is invalid or does not function properly.

To check the results of the test can be adapted to the user manual. Generally, the test results will vary as pink or blue line, even using the red minus sign or a plus sign. And may even change color with each other on testpack. Meanwhile, for those of you who doubt the while for those of you who get a negative result but has not yet entered menstruation, then repeat the test a few days in order to ensure accurate results. This is because the amount of HCG is rising faster while being pregnant and might require the results of the next few days.

How To Check Pregnancy Using Fetal Heart Rate

To find out the baby's heartbeat in the womb who began to beat the first month or two months. In general, the beating could not be heard and using a doppler until 9-10 weeks of pregnancy. Even up at week 12-14. To find out the baby's heartbeat is usually used fetal heart tones (FHT) has a detail very quickly and also more than the heartbeat adults. Even up to speed at 180 beats per minute and begin to decline at week 12 on the heart rate 120-160 per minute until delivery.

The downside of using a pregnancy check fetal heart rate is the difference that can be detected by using fetal heart tones even women tend to know after a few weeks of pregnancy. How to check it is still quite difficult and long compared to the way other pregnancy checks.

How To Check Pregnancy Using Ultrasound

Ultrasound examination is the most accurate examination compared with other pregnancy checks. An ultrasound examination in pregnant women conducted by doctors who have obtained certification. USG not only check the pregnancy but rather to determine the development and growth of the fetus, knowing the gestational age and also determines the birth. Ultrasound is now classified into four according to the results obtained into a 2-dimensional ultrasound in determining the image. As for the 3-dimensional ultrasound where ultrasound device used to use similar results as the original and can be seen from the fetal position different circumstances.

Next up is the live 3-dimensional ultrasound generated due to the movement of live 3D, so that the mother can see more clearly and also imagine the state of the fetus inside the womb. The latter is a doppler ultrasound is an ultrasound that uses blood flow primarily by the umbilical cord. For those of you who are going to use live 3D ultrasound has advantages include fetal movements can be seen in the observation of the behavior of the fetus (fetal behavior) can even be kept in motion in a computer database.

As for the disadvantages of live 3D ultrasound is quite expensive cost than ultrasound in general. Even some places prenatal only partially uses live 3D ultrasound, either by a midwife or obstetrician. Thus, to check the pregnancy can be done in two stages, namely the manual itself, using tools such as testpack while for antenatal care using medical devices such as ultrasound examination of the fetal heartbeat and can help you determine pregnancy.

Even by checking the pregnancy using ultrasound can help determine fetal movement, growth, development and also determine the age of the fetus. You can also consult with your obstetrician or midwife if you have a condition experienced in the first months of pregnancy.

And this post are about How to check pregnancy properly with all of the way.

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