Monday, October 17, 2016

Beware of Neonatal Meningitis ! How to Recognize the Symptoms and Prevention Neonatal Meningitis ?

Beware of Neonatal Meningitis ! How to Recognize the Symptoms and Prevention Neonatal Meningitis ?, neonatal meningitis symptoms,Can a newborn baby have meningitis ? Meningitis Symptoms, Treatment, Causes. - Beware of Neonatal Meningitis ! How to Recognize the Symptoms and Prevention Neonatal Meningitis ?. Meningitis neonatal meningitis is a disease that is often found in newborns. Meningitis is caused by a viral or bacterial infection caused by exposure. Viruses that cause meningitis in infants is called the coxsackie and herpes simplex.

Beware of Neonatal Meningitis ! How to Recognize the Symptoms and Prevention
Neonatal Meningitis ?

Meningitis is an inflammation that occurs in the part of the meninges membrane that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord. In infants, especially newborns, meningitis conditions would be a serious condition and can cause death if not promptly treated. For infants younger than 2 or 3 months, the disease is called neonatal meningitis. To broaden your parents and make you become more vigilant, and take immediate action when symptoms begin to appear, following review and hold a neonatal meningitis in infants.

Know the Neonatal Meningitis

Meningitis neonatal meningitis is a disease that is often found in newborns. Meningitis is caused by a viral or bacterial infection caused by exposure. Viruses that cause meningitis in infants is called the coxsackie and herpes simplex. As for the group of bacteria that infect the newborn is the result of group B streptococcus, E. coli, Haemophilus influenzae, or Listeria or also known as Hib. The danger, neonatal bacterial meningitis can be transmitted through the placenta when the baby is still in the womb or during childbirth.

Neonatal Meningitis Symptoms

Gelaja generated from neonatal meningitis in newborn babies generally do not seem too obvious. However, some symptoms may be a reference to the mothers in detecting whether their child is infected with this deadly disease or not. Generally, children who suffer from neonatal meningitis, children will experience symptoms such as irritability or temperament, children who are seen often lethargic or loss of appetite. Neonatal meningitis can not be solved quickly and can lead to symptoms such as vomiting, rash, chills, difficulty breathing, high fever, jaundice and even some babies will experience seizures.

Handling Neonatal Meningitis

When the child tested positive for neonatal meningitis, it must be done must be done intensive treatment and hospitalization as an initial treatment. For patients with a baby, will generally be carried out first spectrum antibiotics while doctors wait for the results. If meningitis is caused due to bacteria, then the doctor will provide treatment for the provision of special antibiotics for bacteria, while if it is caused due to virus or herpes virus, the treatment will be done by using anti-virus drug acyclovir. However, in most cases of viral meningitis do not have a good response to antibiotics, so treatment is done to relieve symptoms and keep the babies to keep them warm and hydrated.

Prevention of Neonatal Meningitis

Prevention conducted for newborns experiencing neonatal meningitis will depend on postnatal and prenatal care and avoid foods that may be contaminated with Listeria or E. coli during pregnancy. Additionally, as an action helper to mengindarkan risk of babies infected by viruses or bacteria that cause neonatal meningitis, the doctor will perform a group B strep test when the expectant mother in the final weeks of her pregnancy. When performing these tests was known virus-infected infants, expectant mothers can consume drugs anti-viral before before delivery or choose to pursue a cesarean to prevent virus infection in infants.

That was her knowledge of neonatal meningitis in infants. When a child is diagnosed the disease, good immediately take it to the doctor to get treatment immediately.

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