Sunday, September 18, 2016

Why Frequent Feeling Tense On Stomach When Pregnant ? - Why Frequent Feeling Tense On Stomach When Pregnant ? Does the mother have felt taut stomach while pregnant ?  Nine out of ten pregnant women never feel strained abdominal / cramping and pain. Only pregnant women should be able to recognize tension or pain that are often experienced during pregnancy and also what actions to take to resolve it. Let's refer to his discussion below.

Why Frequent Feeling Tense On Stomach When Pregnant ?

Pregnant women complain about the condition in which pregnancy often feel more and make him uncomfortable. Some of the complaints of pregnancy often complained at the age of pregnancy is growing that spasms in the abdominal muscles, the genitals and groin right and left. Is it normal condition ?  During pregnancy attention to health is very important, especially for the changes that occur in the mother and fetus. Nevertheless each of maternal and fetal conditions vary. Thus requiring further consultation on medical experts, it's just that in this article we will give an overview of the complaints related to the pregnant women pregnant belly is getting bigger and often feel tense.

Nine out of ten pregnant women never feel strained abdominal / cramping and pain. Only pregnant women should be able to recognize tension or pain that are often experienced during pregnancy and also what actions to take to resolve it.

Why often feel tense in the abdomen during pregnancy ?

Complaints are often experienced by pregnant women is associated with abdominal pain or tension is not all harmful, for it should first recognize mothers variety of pain, cramping and abdominal straining commonly experienced by pregnant women. Here is the complaint who related pain / tension in the abdomen of pregnant women who are distinguished by gestational age :

First trimester

Fewer pregnant women in the first trimester who complain of pain or tightness in the abdomen. Only a few of them there who complain like a little pain resembled abdominal pain before menstruation. You do not have to worry about the pain it inflicted karenan increases the hormone progesterone and relaxin so joints in the uterus stretchable. Although not harmful but you should consult with your doctor if the pain in the abdomen continues until 10-12 weeks gestation. Still related to gestational age young, flatulence is often one of the causes of pregnant women experience pain even though classified as normal but if it is accompanied by conditions cramps on the side of the lower abdomen, and is accompanied by bleeding and the effect of the brown color would be one of the issues that harmful to you and the fetus.

Pain in the abdomen which is fairly long you should be alert, especially when it came out of the first trimester of pregnancy. It is feared as a sign of ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy outside the uterus so the egg is not in place and the cause is outside the womb. Furthermore, severe pain in the abdomen during the last trimester of pregnancy, accompanied by bleeding can also be said of miscarriage. Pain and tension progressively higher should immediately be alert and immediately dealt with immediately.

Second trimester

Entering the second trimester mothers often experience pain in the right and left part of the abdomen that is characterized by moving from the lower abdomen left or right. This condition is due in part rope structure that maintains the uterus in the abdominal wall, known as ligament experience pain but not dangerous. Pregnant women only need to take a break to relax by using a high pillow.

Also pregnant women should be careful when experiencing pain even though no harm. You can slowly change the position. This is to reduce the abdominal pressure that does not cause pain in the stomach. Complaints of pain in the abdomen does not harm only remains you should consult your doctor when experiencing prolonged pain especially in the second trimester you still feel uncomfortable (sustainable) of the first trimester.

Final trimester

Pregnant women often experience pain in the abdomen in the final trimester. This is because the mother's abdomen is getting bigger and result in pressure on the bladder on the lower abdomen. It's just for pregnant women, if the infections of the urinary tract, then the condition will increasingly make it more pain. Some of the symptoms associated with urinary tract infections that are often experiencing pain in the lower abdomen back and even up to cause contractions.

Not all of the pain, the pain and spasms in the final trimester harm. In some circumstances can also be caused due to growing fetus moves so as to make part of the body, head and kick the baby which is getting stronger. This is what causes a mild contraction. As to watch is when pregnant women experience pain in the abdomen which is increasingly unbearable despite being rested.

As for pregnant women to recognize pain in the abdomen during pregnancy include when the mother has a condition that is unbearable abdominal pain, prolonged and experienced pain like cramps or tightness in the lower abdomen. To know the pain that is unbearable you can be aware of the conditions during pregnancy below :

Pregnant women experience cramping up lasting several days, in which the pain experienced is rhythmic in which women experience abdominal pain that radiates to the top of the pubic. Often this is a sign of pregnant women experience miscarriage, especially if the bleeding is marked with pink and suffered from strong contraction, and pain.

Furthermore, pregnant women who feel abdominal pain radiating in the solar plexus. This condition is commonly experienced by pregnant women is accompanied by pain and blurred eyesight. Other causes of preeclampsia is characterized by increased blood pressure in the legs, causing swelling. Unisex abdominal pain characterized by pain originating in the uterus, causing labor prematurely. Pain in the abdomen that wrapped accompanied by pain in the back and contraction at 20-36 weeks of gestation. This condition is often misdiagnosed, resulting placenta previa that cause the placenta to grow over the birth canal.

Last is pain in the abdomen of pregnant women who did not have their own association with adverse pregnancy outcomes, one of which is pain between the rupture of the cyst and the huge pressure on the uterus or cases of inflammation of the appendix. The condition of pregnant women during pregnancy disorders characterized by abdominal pain is not always harmful. Even for pregnant women who experience abdominal pain should be wary of them is ectopic pregnancy outside the uterus, suffered a miscarriage, preeclampsia, experienced sindorom hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count that experience blood clots or are anemic.

Some of the conditions women experience abdominal pain disorder that is unbearable for experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions that cause pregnant women often complain in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Conditions like that to be wary as a sign of pregnancy discomforts dangerous for pregnant women.

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