Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Know Causes Congenital Disorders in Infants

Know Causes Congenital Disorders in Infants, Birth Defects and Congenital Anomalies Symptoms & Causes, congenital heart disease in infants, congenital heart defects in infants, genetic disorders in infants
Know Causes Congenital Disorders in Infants
smallbusinesswithbestmarketing.blogspot.com - Know Causes Congenital Disorders in Infants. Congenital abnormality is a disorder that occurs in infants and affect the growth of the baby's body structure that appears when the lives and outcomes of conception egg. Congenital anomalies are a leading cause in the occurrence of stillbirth, miscarriage or death after he was born. Death occurs in infants in the first months after he was born in a period of life, the cause is often due to congenital abnormalities were quite heavy.

Know Causes Congenital Disorders in Infants

Congenital anomalies are congenital disorders. Important to know what are the causes of congenital anomalies in newborns. Pregnancy is an important event for couples who are waiting for the baby's presence. So that potential baby is always in good health and was born safely, then the prospective parents will do everything they can. That is why the birth into a period of the most eagerly awaited by each partner. What will happen if there is a problem in the beloved baby ?

Congenital abnormality is a disorder that occurs in infants and affect the growth of the baby's body structure that appears when the lives and outcomes of conception egg. Congenital anomalies are a leading cause in the occurrence of stillbirth, miscarriage or death after he was born. Death occurs in infants in the first months after he was born in a period of life, the cause is often due to congenital abnormalities were quite heavy.

Causes Congenital Disorders in Infants

Babies who are born with congenital abnormalities usually severe enough to be born with low weight, even during pregnancy, low birth weight or small. Baby's weight below the lower limit of normal or in conjunction with congenital abnormalities usually as much as 20% of infants die in the first weeks early in life. In addition to a physical examination, laboratory and radiological examinations performed to confirm the diagnosis in congenital abnormalities after the baby is born. Not only that, you can also do by using ultrasound examination, examination of amniotic fluid and fetal blood checks on.

Causes Congenital Disorders in Baby

Basically the direct cause congenital abnormalities in newborns is difficult to know, but some factors suspected to cause congenital abnormalities in infants.

    Chromosomal and Genetic Factors

Genetic factors linked and play a role in some congenital abnormalities. Some congenital abnormalities that occur in the newborn is a disease that is inherited through the abnormal gene from both parents or one parent. The abnormal gene is a gene carrier of the trait and is present in the chromosome in each cell that exist in the human body. If there is one gene is missing or damaged, then the baby will have congenital abnormalities.

Inheritance Patterns of Genetic Abnormalities

Autosomal dominant

If the disease or disorder to appear even though there is only one defective gene from only one parent, then these abnormalities can be called with autosomal dominant. Like for example achondroplasia and Marfan syndrome.

Autosomal recessive

In the event of disease or congenital abnormality requires two genes where each one came from to 2 parents. This disorder is called autosomal recessive. Suppose a case of cystic fibrosis or Tay-Sachs.


If the boy had abnormal gene from his mother, where the abnormality is called X-linked. The reason, the gene should be taken by kormosom X. As eg color blindness or hemophilia.
Nutritional factors Based on research, congenital abnormalities in newborns can also be caused by pregnant women or when it contains malnutrition in pregnancy.

Physical Factors in In Uterus

When he was in the womb of the mother, the baby submerged in amniotic so it would protect him from injury. The amount of amniotic fluid is not normal will cause the baby having congenital abnormalities. In addition, the amount of fluid that is less or little it will hamper the growth of the baby's lungs, as well as the growth of limbs or have abnormalities in the kidneys, resulting in the formation process of the urine will be slow.

Hormonal factors

Presumably hormonal factors also cause congenital abnormalities in newborns. Babies born to mothers who have a history of diabetes mellitus or is likely to have abnormalities or problems in growth or a risk of abnormality is greater than the normal babies.


Alcohol can cause congenital abnormalities in newborns. Alcohol will lead to defective legs, arms, face shape or mentally retarded baby. In addition, fetal growth will be hampered. Most babies born to women who have weight problems and the premium will have an effect on the thinking, memory and behavior.

Cigarette smoke

As we know roko smoke is not good for health. Not only that, the smoke will lead to the growth of the fetus become blocked and cause a preterm birth. In addition, the smoke will cause interference with brain development, infant respiratory system and cardiovascular system in babies.


Drugs will cause the baby to be born abnormal, low calcium in the blood, premature birth, low blood sugar and sepsis infection.

That some of the causes of congenital anomalies in baby or infants. So the baby is born healthy and there is no shortage of any of them, then maintain health during pregnancy is something that must be done by each mother. Healthy pregnant women have a direct influence on the development of the fetus in the womb. To avoid congenital abnormalities in the baby, you can avoid some of the causes that could be avoided by adopting a healthy lifestyle such as avoiding drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

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