Sunday, September 18, 2016

Example Speech About The Dangerus of Drug - Example Speech About The Dangerus of Drug. Examples of speech dangers of drugs - The influence of narcotics when it's still one very big problem for our country, the impact is seen with an increase in criminality is quite high in Indonesia. Then how to prevent and reduce them ?  Of course, through routine approaches we can do against the nation's children.
On this occasion the friend of one language can see an example of a speech about the dangers of drugs one could companions use for special occasions in their approach and public information on the dangers of drugs. Let's not just shut up and wait for the people responsible for this beloved country perform light on the dangers of drugs. Next is an example of speech about the dangerous of drug and alcohols. Happy reading..
Examples of Speech Short Dangers of Drugs

Opening of Speech About Drugs :

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On occasion pretty shady, let us continually offer puja and our gratitude to Allah SWT for all the blessings and grace in the form of health so that on this occasion we could be present at this forum lighting the dangers of narcotics.

Fill Speech About Drugs :

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Consume drugs is one of the actions that led to the crime and also act syetan and at the same indecency should we stay away so that we survive in this world and the hereafter, and the environment was peaceful society no one any crime.

xamples of short speech about the dangers of drugs

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Do not ever time we tried to use drugs, because if we try it, we will lose our lifetime. Life was shackled and being dependent on something which would damage our lives.

Therefore, let the sons and daughters of the nation .. From now stay away from narcotics and start competing to achieve the high ideals that later become people who are not losers.

Closing Speech About Drugs :

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Maybe just this speech I can say, if there is one word or utterance beg forgiveness.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.Examples of short speeches about the dangers of drugs above can be companions made an important speech which is very useful for school friends or other people. Hopefully with a short speech samples above Indonesia this beloved free and reduced crime rates and the evils of society that can not be resolved.

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