Thursday, September 15, 2016

Example of Speech on Personal Development in Society - Example of Speech on Personal Development in Society. For friends who want to be a motivator, it's good to learn speech beforehand to foster self-confidence in front of the audience. To that end, the theme at this time is an example of text to speech about self-development. Sample text of this speech is very helpful companion in finding the identity of friends in the midst of society and the environment. Companions certainly want to put yourself in the eyes of friends dong family and circle of friends. Let just an example of the text of his speech can be learned below :

Example of Speech To Speech on Personal Development - Opening Speech of Personal Development

Ladies and Gentlemen,
We pray praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty. Due to the blessings and His mercy we can gather in this beautiful place. Introduce on this occasion I will convey the discussion of the concept of self.

Fill Speech Personal Development

Ladies and Gentlemen

The self-concept can be defined as a faith, judgments or perceptions of him. People who have a negative self-concept has the characteristics :

Believing and saw himself as a weak, helpless, hapless, inept, failed, unattractive, undesirable, or stupid. People who have a negative self-concept will be pessimistic about life and opportunities it faces. They are type of person who fails before the war, did not see an opportunity as a challenge, but as a problem.

Conversely, people who have a positive self concept will look at life optimistically. They are full of confidence, ready to face the challenge and ready to face a failure which may occasionally they encountered. Failure but it does not make them 'dead', but the failure becomes a lesson to be better. Are you agree with this statement ?

Text to speech self-development in society

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As for the factors that affect self-concept is as follows :

Failure :

Continuous failure experienced often raises the question to yourself and end up with the conclusion that can be all of the cause lies in the weaknesses. Failure makes people feel themselves useless. Not uncommon for people who feel they failed to get stuck on a negative assessment of his own, such as suicide. Is not it God forbid a man to kill himself. In this case philosophically, God does appreciate what he created.

Depression :

People who are depressed would have thought that negative tends to perceive and respond to everything, including the judge yourself.

Internal criticism :

Sometimes, self-criticism is needed to resuscitate a person would act that has been done. Self-criticism often serve as a regulator or signs in the act and behave so that our existence is accepted by society and Dapa t adapt well.

Parenting Parents :

Parenting parents also become a significant factor in influencing the self-concept is formed. A positive attitude of parents who read by the child will develop concepts and positive thinking and self-respect. The negative attitude of parents will invite questions on children, and rise to the assumption that he was not valuable enough to be loved, to be loved and appreciated, and all of it due to lack of available to him so that parents do not love.

Changing the Self-Concept :

Often ourselves that cause problems further complicated by the thought that no-no against a state or against ourselves. However, with its dynamic character, self-concept may change into a more positive direction.

Be objective in Identifying Yourself :

Respect yourself. There are no other people who appreciate ourselves apart from our own. If we can not respect themselves, can not see the good that is within oneself, not able to look at things good and positive about yourself, how can we respect others and see the good things that exist in others in a positive way ? If we can not respect others, how others will appreciate ourselves ?

Do Disagreeable Yourself :

The largest and most exhausting warfare is warfare that occurs within ourselves. Blame yourself excessively is a sign that there is hostility and war between ideal expectations with reality true self. As a result, there will be mental fatigue and frustration inside as well as the concept itself increasingly weak and negative.

Positive Thinking and Rational :

In having a positive self-concept, one can have a strong confidence figures show personal interest. Someone who always thinks positive for Inner Beauty. Inner beauty is smart, friendly, smiling, had many friends, and humble. Beauty body would be considered more meaningful if accompanied by inner beauty. It's just that a lot of women who do not agree with the concept that the inner beauty or inner beauty will lebi habadi than just the physical beauty that will fade with age.

The Closing of Speech Personal Development

Similarly, the speech that I can say on this occasion, may be useful for developing ourselves to be better and better both for the audience here nor especially for myself.

How is my friend ? of course, with the sample text to speech about personal development above buddy so felt confident like the motivators accomplished. Hopefully the above examples of speech can be beneficial for my friend one language all. Do not forget to read also other speech text ya buddy.

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