Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Example Of Speech On New Year - Example Of Speech On New Year : New Year's Text To Speech About mid-December, 2016. Entering the friends must know that soon we will see that New Year, do not feel has been year after year is getting changed. Well to welcome the New Year it is good we celebrate the positive things to expectations in the coming year, with speeches example. With speeches and organize events together then the people who come and listen to the speech we are also very excited and his heart will be awakened by our speech, in addition to the speech in an event to welcome the new year will also strengthen brotherhood and unity.

For that, on this occasion I will write a speech text examples of the new year xxx will come at the end of this December. Well for friends who are looking for an example of a new year speech texts, just can be read below.

Example Of Speech On New Year xxx

    Speech Opening of the New Year 2016

    Assalamu Wr. Wb.


    The whole village chief se-districts along with officials Losari assistants, also to the organizers of the event activities that have given their time and place so that on this occasion we could get together hold a reception warning early xxx's. Not to forget also I would like to thank the fellow attendees mother / father who is already taking the time to attend a memorial service this new year.

    Fill New Year Speech xxx

    First of all, let us be ever grateful to Allah SWT who has given favors physical and spiritual health to us all that on the occasion of this day we are given the opportunity to be able to meet the 2016's.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    The speech I am going to explain the New Year. In charge of the New Year 2016, let us be very clever to exploit ni'mat God to gain reward as much as a provision of life in the hereafter later. For none who does not regret it later caused diakherat feel a lot less in collecting the reward when they live in the world.

    Therefore, before we regret it later, let us use the best age and health of us who have been given by God to us.

    As God has said in Surat an-Nahl verse 18 which means as follows:

    "And if you count the ni'mat-ni'mat God, surely you will not be able to count them". (QS. An-Nahl: 18)

    Conclusion verses give sense to us if we want to think for a moment to reflect on how much ni'mat God has given to us so that if we are good deeds summed everything, is then used to pay ni'mat God that we have received will not be inadequate ,

    Closing Speech New Year 2016

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    So the speech that I can say. Hopefully with the arrival of the new year 2016 we can use ni'mat which have been given by God as well as possible to worship and achieve goals for the sake of the nation and our beloved ones. Hopefully this speech is beneficial to us and apologize if there are any-one said.

    Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

That is Example Of Speech On New Year that I can write to friends, hopefully with the text of the speech sample we can do better in living year after year as well as being personally grateful for the blessings that God has given. Happy new year.

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