Monday, September 19, 2016

Beware fetus Not Growing

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 Beware fetus Not Growing - Beware fetus Not Growing. The fetus is not growing can only be detected when you perform examinations using ultrasound or ultrasound tool. So it is advisable to do an ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy to avoid the risk of not detecting a fetus that do not progress. In some rare cases even fetuses that were not developed until the age of four or five months.

Beware fetus Not Growing

During pregnancy is very important if only to pay attention to your health and the fetus that will support the growth and development of the fetus during pregnancy. Regular examination of the development of the fetus from the beginning of pregnancy until delivery is critical towards this is to avoid the risk of fetal heartbeat is lost or fetus is not progress. Here is a description of a description of the fetus is not progress.

Understanding Fetal Not Growing

To get an idea of the fetus does not develop exemplified in one of the cases where when the control to the doctor at pregnancy 5 weeks they formed sac whereas when the control back in the gestational age of 10 weeks the doctors said the fetus did not develop, marked the cessation of the heart rate fetus. Thus the fetus does not experience significant development is not growing in accordance with normal pregnancies. Undeveloped fetus can be detected early in pregnancy, usually before the age of three months of pregnancy.

How to Detect Fetal Not Growing

The fetus is not growing can only be detected when you perform examinations using ultrasound or ultrasound tool. So it is advisable to do once or more ultrasound checking in the first trimester with the pregnancy to minimalize the risk of not detecting a fetus that do not progress. In some rare cases even fetuses that were not developed until the age of four or five months.

Types of Non Developing Fetus. Undeveloped fetus can be detected by two types as follows :
  • The fetus is not visible. The fetus is not growing is often associated with blighted ovum. Blighted ovum or an empty bag that does not seem to fetuses that are visible only resembles an empty womb. In the case of undeveloped fetus can be described with a black picture with liquid that does not contain a shadow at all the presence of fetal candidate.
  • Shadow Candidate their fetus. Second, is the picture in the form of flat and small in the womb. Basically known not develop if the diameter and length of the fetus is not in accordance with gestational age. Therefore, when the gestational age is not gaining or accretion does not correspond to the stated gestation pregnancies do not progress.

Identify Causes Babies Not Growing

Identify the cause of the fetus does not develop so that you can be alert to reduce the risks, here are diverse causes of the fetus does not develop :
  1. Genetic. The main source of the undeveloped fetus is a genetic factor. Although not hereditary factors associated with family history but rather a factor of sperm or egg cells that are not good so that development is not prime. This can lead to blighted ovum (blighted ovum) that can occur over and over again. So it is important to pay attention to the quantity and quality of sperm and egg cells. The cause of the quality of the egg and sperm quality may be various kinds can not be ensured with certainty whether the effect of infection or other influences. The disorder can occur since birth so it is difficult to do prevention.
  2. Torch infection. The fetus is not growing can also be caused due to infection by microorganisms such as Cito Megalo Virus (CMV), Rubella or Toxoplasma even herpes simplex simplex I and II to attack the immunity in the body. So it is important for you to be planning a pregnancy to check that the mother's condition improved. Whereas if pregnant women known to have an infection while being pregnant it will do therapy during pregnancy. In the treatment can take the medicine according to the doctor's prescription or therapy.
  3. ACA (anticardiolipin) or freezing. The presence of clotting factors or blockage of blood vessels that would cause fetal growth came to a standstill so that the clotting factors will lead to the fetus does not develop. The cause of anticardiolipin or ACA depends on the immune system in the body. In some cases ACA patients, for example in a family with two children where the first child to a child suffering from ACA then the next two or not that will have high ACA. In the case of ACA, which is pregnancy was considered an enemy that will form blood vessels and blood clot will experience a blockage area targeted areas on the fetus. So that the fetus is not directly get supplies of food, beverages and oxygen. If if it is found the ACA it must be done by giving a drug therapy that provides anti-clotting so it can return to normal. Meanwhile, if the conditioned is back to normal it should be strict supervision and treatment until late delivery.

Characteristics of Developing Fetus photo. In the undeveloped fetus can be determined with the following characteristics :
  1. Do not feel fetal movement. Although the fetus does not develop in pregnancy in the first trimester but did not rule trimester of pregnancy occur in the second and third. You can see a sign to feel the pressure of the fetus was missing during the gestational age. It is important to conduct regular inspection even by using an ultrasound device.
  2. Loss of Morning Sickness. In the fetus does not develop then you can feel the character traits are no longer experiencing nausea and vomiting during your first pregnancy. Despite that pregnant women often do not experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, then how membedakannya.Jalan one of them is using an ultrasound device in the first pregnancy to determine the health of the fetus.
  3. The emergence of spots or blood. The fetus is failing to live can also be marked with the blood or blood spots triggering a miscarriage. Nevertheless you should be able to distinguish fetal blood loss causes problems or due to normal pregnancy. So that the discharge of blood just spotting and stopping just 24 hours does not trigger fetal problems, while if more blood should be immediately taken to the doctor.

Developing Fetus Can Not Maintained ?

The fetus is not growing untenable that required medical treatment. One of them with a curette but in some cases of pregnancy the fetus is not visible it will be left up to the age of 8 weeks of pregnancy so that if still not visible or pregnancy categorized empty it must be done immediately handling. Thus for those who are planning a pregnancy, you do tests before pregnancy which aims to provide immune to your body to support the development and growth of the fetus. Meanwhile, for those of you who have ever had a case history fetus does not develop in a previous pregnancy did therapy and consult a doctor to not cause a similar incident in your next pregnancy.

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