Saturday, May 17, 2014

MERS, How Spreading And Risk of Death

MERS, How Spreading And Risk of Death
MERS, How Spreading And Risk of Death - MERS, How Spreading And Risk of Death. In the absence of antiviral drugs or vaccines to treat, disease MERS has been called "killer bug" with good reason. In Saudi Arabia there are at least 414 people have been infected and more than a quarter of his that 115 people had died - even some of those health care workers who contracted the disease from the patient. Latest Naruto Shippuden comic.

The period between exposure to the virus and developing symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath) is 5 to 14 days as the incubation period - which is a long time to wait. Mers is a new type of coronavirus, a family of viral infections that cause the common cold and SARS that could make Southeast Asia first shake (severe acute respiratory syndrome).

Mers cause respiratory infections that cause pneumonia and, potentially leading to kidney failure. This virus can be spread by close contact between people but does not spread easily. Also please note Mers not strong virus and can be killed by household disinfectants sebagimana diagnosed with the results of laboratory tests. So make sure you always wash your house using carbolic disinfectant.

There is growing evidence that the virus came from a camel in the Middle East. Very suggested traveler to the Middle East to avoid "unnecessary contact with the camel", like and including raw camel meat or raw camel milk. To avoid the spread of infection between people, you should wash your hands regularly with soap and dry completely, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth too frequently to prevent viruses from infecting you. Try to always cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia recommends that people over 65 or with chronic diseases, pregnant women, and children under 12 delay any pilgrimage while considering the number of people infected with Mers increased.

But the virus does not mean the end of everything as words W Ian Lipkin of Columbia University epidemiologist "I am optimistic that we will megatasi this, I think we'll be able to stop this epidemic virus. "He also said that many cases of the disease can be traced back to the camel - a" large reservoir "of infection in the Arabian Peninsula. He estimated that the majority of camels in Saudi Arabia are, or have been, infected with MERS.

How MERS spread ? Scientists know that MERS can spread in respiratory secretions, said Perl, who was part of the team that researched the disease. Emerging evidence that the virus was able to survive on the surface, which means that MERS may spread through touch. He stated that after the patient had severe disease still remains the possibility of death "in the range of 60%. "

Hope for healing ?
Currently, doctors treat MERS to control symptoms, but researchers began to try to combat the virus directly, Perl said. Doctor dosage for humans is seeking dedicated to helping their own immune system against MERS. Currently researchers are also making a vaccine for the camel that may prevent the spread of MERS in humans.

"This is not a medicine man, but this is sort of like a form of rabies prevention strategy, where we vaccinate animals and not humans."

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