Sunday, October 13, 2013

Google Hummingbird Algorithm and its implications for SEO Article content Blog or website

Google Hummingbird Algorithm and its implications for SEO Article content Blog or website
Google Hummingbird Algorithm and its implications for SEO Article content Blog or website. This week was a remarkable week for lovers of content marketing, SEO and internet marketers, especially bloggers. Google is proud to announce that there will be no longer valid search keyword organic and introduced his latest updates: Google Hummingbird. Two important issues this special concern for perpetrators of content marketing because it means eliminating search engine searches based on key words (keywords) that uses semantic search. Article submitting post content.

The keyword for this being very critical for SEO strategy everywhere. For many years, SEO playing with keywords, either for optimizing the performance of on-page, or when using the link-building work. Identify keywords that will raised his ranking or search for keywords with great conversion has always been the first reference in developing a SEO project. Well, but of course still used keywords in Google. It's just that, Big G intends to improve the quality of searches on its search engine by providing more than just keywords typed in search engines. I told you, this how Google is smart wants high class. Now it was no longer holding the key words typed in the search engine, but rather a search for meaning (sense), concepts and relationships between them to give the maximum search results.

Imagine this : we were kind of looking for something by queries, just like we look for our books to be bought in books store, then we put on one of the computers that were there to look for books that we seek. We type the topic of his book, then the computer will show a list with topics we have selected. But actually, that's not what we're looking for, if we want to find the topic of ' internet marketing ' for example, actually we would like to know more about internet marketing, and not showing data regarding internet marketing. Google realized that, that queries are actually more a question, not a statement. The question you typed in queries should be answered as a single question, because the conversation will not be able to complete the selected answers. The conversation on the basis of this question will form a context and content which eventually empties in the answers. Google Hummingbird is to answer the question, not for mere words written in queries. Google Update is intended to answer the question, and not only exposes search results.

A year ago Google introduced a Knowledge Graph. What else is it ? Put it this way, try to type the name of one of the famous people in Google, then automatically now there will be a long explanation on the right side of the results page. It Knowledge graph. I demonstrated when typing an Word : Barack Obama, the president of USA. Another example of Knowledge Graph is when I typed ' Bird Flu Symptom ' in Google. Out first is the answer what is bird flu from a trusted site, in this case Google mayoclinic, and

Still want another example ? Try to type a ' calory in durian ', Google will not once website again now, but directly to the answer of how many calories are there in one fruit durian. Google is not a search engine, but the answering machine.

So how to cope with the changing algorithm Humming bird ? These are things to be aware of for the content marketing:
  1. Good Content with backlinks that will never be cool enough. By answering the question algorithm (see example ' Barack Obama ' above), then the imagine who had been aiming for a keyword Barack Obama will vanish just a trace. Want another example ? Please type in the ' Premier League ' then it would immediately go out the match schedule in the League United Kingdom. Goodbye search engine traffic from every League in the world, except perhaps the Indonesia League.
  2. Types of queries in the form like the Hummingbird questions. So prepare answers to any question that may arise by Google users. The Word how, why, what would be the thing that no. 1 on Google
  3. Focus on quality content. Clearly, the Hummingbird is very loving and natural backlinks has a high relevance of the connection. Do not mention the origin of wearing a backlink from a website's PageRank 7 for example but they had a different topic with our website. Try backlink from the legendary website, qualified and has a high reputation. Tip : provide content articles/content helping others or solve their problems, or make it, teach others anything useful.
  4. Authorship. Already, shared authorship. Google loves it.

Welcome to adventure with a Hummingbird and happy writing !

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