Saturday, September 14, 2013

Planting different kinds of Fruit in the Pot

Planting different kinds of Fruit in the Pot
Illustration of Planting Fruit in the Pot
Planting different kinds of Fruit in the Pot. What kind of fruit do you like best ? You may include any persons who wish to gardening around the House, planting certain types of fruits you want and can pluck a result one day. But you might be having problems because it does not have an extensive land for gardening. So what's the solution ? Fruit in the Pot is the best solution you can do. Fruit or plants in a pot is indeed as the name suggests, i.e. you could gardening around your home by using a medium pot. So you no longer need a vast land for gardening and planting the kinds of fruit that you want. Classification of ancient ferns.

The advantages of planting different kinds of Fruit in the Pot
  • Can be done in a narrow area.
  • Can be simultaneously used for ornamental plants around the House.
  • Plant layout Setup can be as you wish. Different when the fruit is grown on the land immediately and cannot be moves.
  • The plants are in pots can absorb water and nutrients, better fertilizer because water and fertilizer substances will only be on the ground in a pot (don't spread everywhere).

Tip the cultivation of different kinds of fruit in Fruit in the Pot

For Fruit in the Pot, there are many fruits that can be grown. For example the fruit mango, sapota, Orange, star fruit, guava, custard apples, mangosteen, or kedondong. The fruit of this could You direct planting in a pot or drum is used, such as when you planted it in ordinary land. However, the result of Fruit in the Pot will certainly be different from ordinary land plants. Then how can Fruit in the Pot to grow lush and diligent can bear fruit ? Please choose the type of seeds are good. Not only the quality of the seeds, but you also have to be smart-smart select suitable fruit grown in your area. For example you are in the lowland, hot or You will not be able to plant strawberry fruit and produce good quality fruit.

After selecting a fruit that is suitable for Fruit in the Pot, you then just choose his planting media. Please choose a suitable size pot with fruit that you want to embed. When the fruit is just as small as lime or strawberry, you can use small pots. But when you want to plant a mango, it's best to plant in a former drum already cut (roughly half part). The size of the pot was also influential on the quantity of manure and water that can be absorbed by plants. When the small plants are put in a large pot, water absorption and fertilizer will not be maximized. Just like planting flowers, do not forget to hollow out the bottom of the pots/drums used in order for the water not inundated in the pot.

The planting medium is soil. Good soil to Fruit in the Pot the soil is mixed with manure. Comparison of soil and manure around 1: 2. You can also add the rice husk on the mix of soil and fertilizer. Husk serves to hold or retain water in the soil. All kinds of fruit to Fruit in the Pot definitely need water and fertilizer. Therefore, always flush the Fruit in the Pot You every day with water to taste. Don't forget to give her a boost as inorganic fertilizers plant nutrition fruit, for example fertilizer NPK sold in the market. Fruit in the Pot also require pruning. Feel free to trim the branches and leaves of plants of fruit when it looks very dense. This is to keep the plants moist and can also increase fruit crop production.

Make sure Fruit in the Pot is exposed to sufficient sunlight. Don't be too hot but also should not be placed in a dark place (don't get sunlight).

Types Of Citrus Fruit in the Pot Often Bear Fruit

Plant citrus fruits in pot lately, the more easily found. How to embed this type very allow performed in narrow fields. The benefits of citrus fruits from Fruit in the Pot plants (fruits in pot) is quickly bear fruit. If you do not have a yard, citrus crops can be planted in pots. That treatment was quick easy and fruitful. Fruit in the Pot citrus fruits namely excellence in addition to concise is also due to have a short crop profiles. With excellent care techniques, these plants will be flowering and fruiting all year round also also does not depend on the season. A small Orange crop profiles can be made into ornamental plants and can be moving in accordance with desire. In addition, other advantages are easy to keep and also dikembangbiakkan. It could be spurred to rapid fruition. The bottom line, plants exposed to sunlight for growth.

Various types of oranges can be produce by means of such Green vegetative cuttings, branches, and also the grafts. At first, the Orange crop seeds are sold in kiosks ornamental plants it comes from green. This will be the green seeds plants grown that is durable and more quickly bear fruit. Meanwhile, for the growth of citrus fruits in the pot, can be assisted with the process of fertilization. Fertilization was distinguished again into two, namely for growth and flowering. If will be a fruit, such as flowering fertilizer use, choose Gandasil, NPK, and Fitagloom. Treatment of Fruit in the Pot citrus fruits can also be carried out in accordance with the custom of treating thus. For example the type of Kaffir lime and lemon types who cared for one month. This treatment also includes dig the soil and eliminate weeds. The planting medium in the pot is indeed very important to dig the soil. Growing Media for plants in pots the most fruit is good i.e. by mixing soil and manure or organic fertilizers also the husk.

The Planting Medium Depending Of Taste

Basically, the planting of fruit crops in medium pot should be noted several requirements like easy excess water, watering does not contain the pest or disease outbreaks, and also contains the nutrient elements. Conclude is this growing media can be adjusted according to taste or needs. Compositions blend that can be selected include chaff, soil, topsoil, sand, soil mix, and manure. In addition, it can also be a mixture of manure, soil, and sawdust. There is also a growing media that is modern, that is a mixture of soils with organic fertilizer. Some types of citrus fruits that are currently available in the pot include alamonde farigata, citrus Orange sauce or citrus, malang, lalab jaruk nagami medan, lime, grapefruit, Sunkist, siem, keprok and others. Meanwhile, citrus in this pot can be bought at prices ranging from US$2 to US$15.

Tip Keeping Citrus Fruit in the Pot

How do I treat  Fruit in the Pot citrus fruits ? The following tips keep oranges in the pot.
  1. The first step is flush media in poly bag containing oranges until wet.
  2. Reverse the positions of the polybag and Pat-Pat her bottom so that the seedlings out in conjunction with the media and its roots.
  3. After that, the cut most branches, leaves, and twigs are not needed to reduce evaporation.
  4. Then, save the orange seeds right in the central part of the pot with an upright position.
  5. Furthermore, the dig use of media for planting until full.
  6. Watering pretty wet and can be coupled with the humus.
  7. Save Fruit in the Pot in the open and exposed to the Sun in the morning.
  8. Do any watering by means of draining.
  9. Keep doing the following fertilization.

That's how to maintain various types of fruit Fruit in the Pot. Good luck !

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