Friday, September 13, 2013

Plant Of The Moon Orchid
Illustration of Plant Of The Moon Orchid
Plant Of The Moon Orchid. Moon Orchid plant is one of the beautiful flowers and unique to be treated at home. The Earth of our archipelago a haven for flora and fauna life. Even the number of species present in Indonesia is quite large when compared to other Asian countries. Tropical climate that makes the temperature isn't too hot and cold drives Curcumin with many types of plants. All kinds of plants and trees from fruit, ornamental type, until the flowers are abundant. Organic vegetables.

Flower lovers must have been acquainted with the various types of Orchid plant. These flowers do exist that come from within the country. There are also some who deliberately brought in from abroad. Orchid flowers in one of the native plant that grows in Indonesia. At first orchids in botanical origin were introduced by the Netherlands, namely Dr. C.L. Blume. After the discovery of the name Orchid Blume months gradually grew fragrant in the eyes of local and international plant enthusiasts. The national flower of Indonesia is indeed very beautiful as other orchids.

Not rarely found on a number of spaces in the hotel lobby or Office establishments, orchids are suitable to add to the beauty of the decoration. Orchids are indeed had the impression of being elegant and ornamental plants. For those of you who are still foreign in the technique of orchid cultivation or maintenance. Can learn how to appropriately care for orchids correctly in this article. In order to park in front of the House the more gracefully over the blossoming orchids belong to themselves. Moreover, if it can be but we are expanding this plant, the first step to doing business in this field had already been achieved. Live mature plan accompaniment be continued.

Moon Orchid Plant

Moon Orchid flowers can reach a diameter of 10 centimeter more. Original color i.e. white. When the flower blooms will smell fragrant. Leafy green elongated white roots are accompanied round. That's the nature of the Moon Orchid flowers are we discussed. With these characteristics, then at least you can differentiate it with other types of orchids. Orchid of the moon  not too well when exposed to sunlight in a high intensity. Enough sunlight indirectly already meets the requirement of this plant to flourish. The orchid is a way of life that requires a tree trunk to stick as well as a place to grow flowers. Usually found in areas of Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, until the continent Australia. Above sea level of 600 meters, the plant is easy to be treated.

Moon Orchid plant grown may be sold to exceed 50 thousand rupiah. Less price could reach 20 thousand rupiah. The more rare species then increased prices high. On the internet a lot to find an online store that sells orchids this month with the price range of 30 thousand dollars. Of course, it can be estimated that the waterfall doing business incurred many orchids infusion.

The Characteristic Of Orchid Month

Types of Orchid month is indeed very popular in the country. Even successful sale to consumers overseas. The potential of local Orchid Indonesia should continue to be developed in order to bring a lot of benefits. Learn the characteristics of the Orchid flowers in can also add to our insight to one of the biological wealth of the archipelago. This beautiful lush plants when planting in the tropics.

The following are some characteristics of the orchid of the month.

1. Root Part

He has been described on the month of the Orchid plant, that includes the types of plants that live in epiphyte. That is, this pretty flower plants with the roots grow attached to the stems of other plants. The form also resembles the shape of the root surfaces of his life. The roots of this Orchid plant also made media life mushroom mycorrbiza. The fungus gives a favourable influence with his role in transforming a variety of organic substances of humus, thus becoming a beautiful flowering Orchid plant food.

Along the surface of the roots has a network with a network called velamen. This functions velamen network as a tool for breathing. Moreover, it also helps the roots to be easy doing the process of absorption of water when the surface of the body is in the basic plant (plant host).

2. section Rods

Moon Orchid has a stem with monopodial nature. That is, the Orchid plant can grow tall, vertically through a point growing at the stem. As for the size of the stem is very small and different types of stem size Orchid plant.

3. the interest portion

As for the Orchid flowers in the month, including the part that attracted the attention of many eyes. The flowers have color variations. Ranging from white, yellow, purple and other colors. The flowers also have three petala (flower canopy) and petals (sepala). Petala (flower canopy) positions alternating with the petals (sepala).

For the Moon Orchid petals often referred to with the petals back, because it is on the position of the back of the flower. Its color is white and widened. At the center of the flower are no genitalia male and female into one. In addition there are also three covers with delicate feathers. Closing the Center, consisting of the addition, and the cover is aligned with the Maypole.

4. The Leaves

On the moon has color Orchid leaves are green because of chlorophyll content in it. The average size is about 5 to 10 cm. thick and has any Number of forms, lining two lines meeting face to face or one. Each strand is stretched towards the tip of the leaf. As for the base of the leaves to squeeze on a trunk on it. Thus some of the traits that can show the Orchid the Orchid with the kind of month. You can combine a variety of information sources for insights into orchids this month increased and diverse course.

See the beautiful orchids can also increase business opportunities for those of you who want to develop it. Orchid plant business opportunities today are very promising. Especially if carried out to its full potential and good management. So, basically any business opportunity can be profitable for the owner if developed properly. As well as continuing to up grade the quality of the product that he is. Although only in the form of the plant. However, the many types of orchids need care carefully in order to grow healthy and beautiful flowering. The beautiful flowers and the process grows constantly note, certainly has an impact on giving.

Don't forget to pay attention to carefully measure and fertilizer , its processes, as well as how early start planting seeds of Moon Orchid plant. Orchid flower gardens this month would further demonstrate its beauty with the right care and good. Like taking care of themselves, then the body of the Orchid plant orchid species, most notably the Moon should also be investigated as fully as possible. When Moon orchids grow healthy and good, then the flowers will be blooming, lush and refreshing atmosphere.

Please keep your orchid growing environmental conditions are good and healthy growth process would be so good. However, don't be afraid to try to take care of him and create them. Hopefully this review shows how valuable our chance tending plants with beautiful flowers.

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