Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Examples Of Persuasive Speeches

Examples Of Persuasive Speeches. In addition to examples of other speeches in the previous post, we have also made a post with examples of persuasive speeches, please note a few examples of persuasive speeches here. Like to taste Durian fruits ?

Example Persuasive Speech with the theme of the environment.

Assalamualaikum wr wb.

Dear Mr. Principal SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta, who I respect Mr. Mom and teacher SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta, employees, and friends-friends all I love. First of all let us praise thanks be to God Almighty, because thanks to the abundance of grace and of his grace we can gather at noon today in celebrating environment day.

Thus, the will I gave a little review on the importance of maintaining cleanliness of the school environment.

Environmental hygiene is very important in order to preserve the health of yourself and your surroundings. A healthy environment will minimize the spread of the disease and will provide comfort while in the environment.

Therefore the environment is also a driving factor in the success of the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. Students and teachers will implement learning activities effectively because it is supported by the State of the environment. Therefore, let us as a citizen schools can keep clean school environment starting from oneself, such as disposing of waste in place and do not leave items in the drawer because it can become a den of mosquitoes. Thus, maintaining the cleanliness of the environment becomes very important in order to create an environment that is healthy and comfortable.

I think quite a few speeches that I can pass on, hopefully we can all become active participants in keeping the environment clean. Thanks for the attention of the attendees gave, if there is a wrong word or less pleasing things I apologize.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
Example persuasive Speech with the theme of illegal drugs.

Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb

Dear principal
I respect the father/mother of teachers as well as Administrative staff
And friends that I love

Let us praise the gratitude praise the presence of the Almighty God who has bestow favours him so that we can gather here and on this day I am going to deliver a speech about drugs.

In Indonesia the number of drug users is so great, because of the weakness of law enforcement in Indonesia international traffickers are able to work closely with the citizens of Indonesia and gain great benefits. The abuse of narcotics and other additives that certainly brings a broad and complex impacts. As the impact of other changes in behaviour, impaired health, decreased work productivity dramatically, crime and other acts of violence.

Drug abuse can be prevented through programs including the following social activities, don't hang out with drug dealers or users, not easily affected solicitation or plea for using drugs. Drug users are typically more dominated by teenagers and school children.

Schools also provide counselling to students about the dangers and consequences of drug abuse through discussions that BP, Teachers involve students in planning for intervention and prevention of drug abuse in schools. Another important programme is the program of narcotics by means of alert to recognize the characteristics of students who use drugs, be aware of the existence of an unknown guests or Hustler, performing impromptu raids.

Usually users or dealers in schools have understand correct programs in schools to prevention of users or users in schools, they certainly anticipate with as best as they could. As clever as any of their tips, like smarts a squirrel jumps, finally fell, too. Kick-kick-ass avoid detection school indeed they mastered, but considering the nature of addictive drug and dose must higher then the discipline of how secure will also revealed

For that let us avoid and stay away from and get eradicate drug use. Thus the speech I can tell when there is an error in speak the word, I apologize. Upon his attention I thank you and I am finish.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Thanks and may be usefull with Examples Of Persuasive Speeches above.

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