Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Article Marketing Explained

Article Marketing Explained. Lots of people have heard about article marketing but do not really understand what it is. There are different ways article marketing can be used to help you. Writing an informative article about something that is related to your website content, service, or product, then mass submitting it to article submission or free content websites. Because of the links in your author bio section or footer of the article, every article directory you submit to is linking back to you. While this creates a lot of one-way inbound links, you have to remember that those websites are not likely to be related to your product, service or website content. Marketing articles.

In addition to that, those article directories also link to thousands of websites. Even on the page where your article appears in their site, it's likely that many other links accompany your links on the same page, further diminishing the value of those links. It is worth the effort. Those inbound links will definitely not hurt you and will help some, but the goal of submitting your article to all of those article directories is so that other Webmasters and Bloggers can find your articles. Whenever a webmaster or Blogger uses your article in a website or Blog that is related to your content, product or service, then you are accomplishing a lot. Those are valuable one-way inbound links and will carry weight with search engines like Google. Writing exclusive articles for high-traffic websites.

This is another way you can use article marketing to enhance your search engine rankings and link popularity as well as get traffic directly from those who read your article. For this, you really need to polish your writing style. You need to write an informative article that is grammatically correct first of all. It needs to be 500 - 700 words. You need to provide references for your facts and acknowledged quotes to support your theories or opinions. It will also help you illustrate that the information is correct. These types of articles require more research because they need to be accurate.

Once you have your article written, offer it as an exclusive article to just one high-traffic website where their topic is related to your content, products, or services. This article will be seen by many if it is accepted and you will see a direct result in the amount of traffic you get from just one article submitted to just one website. I will offer one last way to use article marketing effectively. Writing the article as you would an exclusive article as mentioned above for another website and putting it into your own website. Once you have the article written and posted into your website, take the link directly to the article page and start posting in forums and commenting on blogs that are related to the topic of your article. Use the link to that article page in your sig. line or as a reference if you find people discussing exactly what your article explains.

By using the article to help others, you will find they will want to see what else you have at your website. By linking it in your sig. line, you also increase link popularity for that page and for your website. Make sure that the rest of your website is linked from the page you put the article into and it can even help your website get crawled by the search engine spiders.

Article Marketing Information And Advice.
Writing articles as I am sure many of you know is a very popular way of increasing the amount of backward links that you have pointing to your site. In theory, the more of these backward links we are able to obtain, the more traffic our site should receive. There are however some very important things to take into consideration when writing and submitting your articles as you do not want to be wasting your time and you do not want your site to get dropped by the major search engines or put in some sort of sandbox.

The first thing to remember is that Rome was not built in a day. What I mean is if you have a new website, about for example hair loss, you may want to reach the top ten in Google for your keywords within say six months. You hear that one way to do this is by building up good number of backward links to this hair site. You think that the more the merrier and start pounding out one article after the other and are very proud of yourself after the first month because you were able to write fifty articles all pointing to your new hair website.

I believe this approach to be totally wrong. The hair loss websites which are in the top ten of Google have probably been around for quite a number of years and will without doubt have a number of quality backward links. If your site sticks around for a long time and you continue to build up its backward links it will go higher and higher in the search engines over time. The one thing you do not want to do is to raise any red flags with the search engines. A new site which has eight hundred backward links after one month could raise this red flag. The search engines will now probably not trust this site and could easily put it in some sort of sandbox until it decides whether it is kosha or not.

In my opinion it is important to build up the number of backward links to a new website fairly slowly. When writing articles, I would personally only write one article with a link to a new website per week. Of course if you have ten websites, you are able to write ten articles if you only decide to have one link on each article etc. I also think that it is very worthwhile to only submit the same article to around five or six of the different article directories. I would submit the article in total to around twenty-two article directories but would have around four variations of it etc. The differences in each article are not massive but are big enough to make it more original. There is a big thing being debated at the moment in webmaster circles about the potential damage that can be caused by duplicate content. From what I have read, everybody seems to have a different opinion on this subject. My opinion is that it is better to be safe than sorry, therefore why take the risk? It would be good however if the major search engines could clarify their position on the subject, but lets face it, that is never going to happen.

In conclusion, my advice is to enjoy writing articles, have patience, build up the number of backward links slowly and to submit different variations of the same article to the directories.

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