Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Home and Garden Good Decoration

Illustration of Home and Garden Good Decoration
Home and Garden Good Decoration. The word can refer to decorating skills in the art of a painter and decorative interpreter. It could also mean goods or measures intended to beautify a person, a place, and so on. In terms of decoration as objects or events decorate the room, the term "interior decoration", which houses equipment and skills used to complete and beautify a building. Each homeowner will not just stop when the building where she lived has been established. The next step is to fill the house with furniture and set it so that it will be a comfortable dwelling as well as attractive. Decorating a home stay was related to the model of the house and its owners taste. A classic style house will be more beautiful if it is equipped with furniture and knick-knacks nuanced antique room. While tropical house would suit deck chairs of a unique bamboo or rattan.

Homeowners have the power to define the decor, whether to use large or small sofa, dining table use of wood or metal, put a painting or photograph, and so on. The house is a residence that provide comfort and safety for the owners. After a day of activities outside the home, the home is a good option for be resting place. Quality rest must also be supported with a comfortable home decor. Well, here's an explanation of the kinds things related to home decor.

Practical Ways to Change Without Much Cost Home Decoration

If you feel bored with home decor so-so only and has been applied many year ? Try to be creative to bring something new and fresh. Does not always have to buy new furniture or renovate the room, but enough to make use of existing furniture.

Well, here are tips on decorating the house without a bullet much additional cost.

1. Modern Style Furniture

Furniture that has a modern style and has a sleek design and simple, but sometimes can look dull and lack invite. Give a little accent to make it look more attractive by adding texture. For example, put a rug or fur rug on the floor, colorful decorative pillows on a sofa or table decoration floral and foliage display.

2. Add Unique Detail

Make the room a more unique by applying details unusual. Like, you can stack books like tower and place it in the corner.

3. Structuring Shelves

Iridescence is key when styling a closet shelf. Choose two or three different colors, but still in the same harmony and combine. For example, yellow-light green-dark green, red-orange-pink or light blue-dark blue-white. You can put small cups, vases, plates small, box-shaped water pitcher alphabet or unique. Perform the arrangement based on the size of furniture, ranging from small to large or vice versa.

4. Wall Hanging

If you get bored with the white color on the walls, you can try applying your room with color by applying more colorful or memorable vintage wall hangings. The trick, simply select one of the four parts of the wall, then paint with the color pink, purple orange, or other pastel colors. Next, add the elements of three-dimensional nuanced over the wall. For example, decorative platters-many sizes and patterns or a mirror frame with various shapes.

5. Photo

If you have a collection of photos, can also be applied to add a personal touch to your room. Of course, before installing your photo collection on the walls of the house, it is better first determine how to put it because if the image is less precise mounting position, instead will disturb eyes. You can put a photo on the wall along the stairs, make wall shelves to put a picture with a frame matching color or black and white photographs hanging on the walls are brightly colored.

7. Focal Point
Each room requires a focal point, which is the component that most attract attention and make people's eyes directly fixed on the object that enters the room. Focal points can be uniquely designed furniture and large, pop-art poster or wall sized mirror in the middle of the room.

Reconciling Hearts home decor

Home decoration should be the responsibility of the homeowner. Despite asking for help from others, the final decision remains with you as the owner. This is because this is where you as a homeowner spends most of the time to rest and share with family. Indeed, if not the owner of the house that determines home decor, comfort and a sense of belonging will be much reduced. Therefore, not a few homeowners who want to give a fresh new look on the interior and exterior look of the house.

Well, if you are one of the home owners who want to change the feel of your home, here are a few tips can be followed to change the look of your home. Not only change the look, hopefully it is able to reconcile change your heart and family.

1. Follow Conscience

All decisions should be based on said day. So is the decision to redecorate the house. No harm seen reference design is becoming a trend nowadays. However, remember that you are still determining the trends prevailing in your home. For example in terms of color selection. Choose the color according to the theme that is the trend. If the trends are bright colors, apply bright colors to paint the walls of the house.

2. Flea Market and Consignment

It could not hurt to try to get around to flea markets or antique goods market is in your area. Not all of the items at the flea market of poor quality. You will be impressed when finding antiques in markets like this.

3. Digging Reference

Keep digging for reference in terms of decorating and designing. You can enroll in public lectures, seminars, or workshops on decorating and design.

4. Determining Function

Make sure you specify a clear function for any room. Clear function can keep you from piles of stuff that is not fun. In addition, you can easily and speedily get rid of stuff that you really do not need anymore.

5. Exposure

Give a dramatic change in your home can also start with a set of lighting. Different lighting can make a room look very different.

6. Wall Magazine

Make a mood board magazine shaped wall. Not only to inspire you, mood board can also be a beautiful decoration in your workspace.

7. Doors are Beautiful

Fix or beautify the entrance or your front door. In addition, also learn how to fix doors and other items in your home. The door is the first impression you give to everyone who visits your home. To add accents, add plants in pots, house numbers, doorbell, or other small ornament that can beautify the look of the door.

8. Special touches

One of the important things in the dress home is sure bathroom house in good shape, healthy, and fragrant. In addition to the bathroom, the bedroom can also be a focus of attention in terms of house dressing. Give special touches like initials of your name on the sheets, pillowcases, and towels, display your photos, your child, or even your pet.

9. Choose Quality

Lastly, from now on, you do not get too often to shop. It's good, you're a little shopping, but with the best quality. Indeed, not all furniture is more expensive has a better quality. But, it never hurts to invest in branded furniture that has been known for its quality.

Minimalist Home Decoration Tips
  • Replace the furniture with furniture low height. Tall furniture such as bookshelves can be replaced with a short closet. The top of the cabinet can be used as the table short of putting the lights, telephone, or vase.
  • Disposable curved furniture that can be used even put on a tight angle or a narrow hallway.
  • Choose a chair without arms because the chair has arms just takes a lot of places. Many people wear seat without arms to the dining room for easy set up and look spacious.
  • Make a rack without doors in the kitchen. The rack can be used to put the cutlery. You can also insert a vase of flowers and painting the furniture behind the plate to make it look more beautiful.
  • Creating the impression of a high room with long curtains include higher than the window.

Well, that's the description of the home decor. May be useful.

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