Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Boston Bombing - Tragedy in Boston

Illustration of Boston Bombing
Boston Bombing - Tragedy in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, which occurs in the event the Boston Marathon on 16 April 2013 will last became background story movies. According to Entertainment Weekly, Wednesday (10/07/2013), the author duo Eric Johnson and Paul Tamasy (The Fighter) will write the screenplay. Not yet known when the film is outstanding. Previously the film was outstanding, Casey Sherman and Boston Herald reporter Dave Wedge will first publish a book Boston Strong. Publisher University Press of New England will be setting out a book with the tragedy of the marathon next year. This book contains the experience of Boston Bombing to the tragedy.

Illustration of Boston Marathon Bombing

Suspect bombers in Boston Bombing - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - pleaded not guilty on all charges related to two deadly explosions at the finish line marathon race April 15. Tsarnaev made the remarks Wednesday in federal court in Boston by saying "not guilty" repeatedly when the 30 charges read out in the hearing. Allegations against him include the use of weapons of mass destruction. If convicted, 19-year-old Tsarnaev face the death penalty or life imprisonment. Wednesday's hearing marked her presence for the first time in public since his arrest a few days after the explosion. 

Illustration of Boston Bombing Victim

Three people were killed and more than 260 others were injured in the blast. Tsarnaev also accused of killing a police officer a few days after the Boston bombing. When he and his brother - Tamerlan Tsarnaev - tried to flee from police chase after the passage of a security camera shows the two walking along the marathon before the explosion occurred.

Illustration of Boston Bomb
And we will also give you some video Boston bombing following the tragedy. This is a tragedy and the tragic course sadness. Is this the world would end up happening everywhere so many acts of terrorism ? We will also be so sorry to hear about that of course makes us brothers have lost their lives due to acts of terrorism which are inhumane. Boston bombing on 15 April 2013 in conjunction with the marathon run race event in the city of Boston.

That are some picture after Boston Bombing happened. And here are the video of Boston Marathon and Boston Bombing Tragedy.

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