Saturday, June 29, 2013

Minimalist Garden Design Plan

Minimalist Garden Design Plan. When you find the grass greener than grass neighbors own page, do not rush have a mind to, moved or changed your home with the neighbors, but look for the cause and solve the problem. Especially in the garden with a minimalist garden design. So by way of a treatment, the green grass you'll get back.

Meaning of Minimalist Garden Design
Design is derived from an English word whose meaning is the plan or pattern. Said the design is then absorbed in the Indonesian language into words the design. Because the issue is the design of the park, then discuss how to plan a garden. Design the garden is part of the spatial knowledge or plan. This means the organization in a room or in the room. While minimalist is a trend in art or art building similar as a simple, simple, not too many patterns or shapes. Minimalist model is usually applied to look nice home interior or exterior.

But although said to be minimal, thus requiring maximal financing. Precisely because minimalist house using expensive materials, high-end interior materials, as well as the specific details of which drain your pocket. All for the sake of highlighting the minimalist side in the style of your home or garden setting. Until the general sense minimalist garden design is a plan to adopt a minimalist style garden in design.

Minimalist Garden Design Placement

Minimalist garden has two kinds of settlements in their land filling. Namely minimalist garden with direct planting settlements, and the next is the cultivation of gardens or indirect use of the media as the media garden. On minimalist gardens with direct planting placement to keep in mind is the condition of the land. Should be in a loam soil, ready for planting. You should do some things to get to this land conditions. Among them is the way that the soil becomes loose hoe. While the minimalist garden with planting settlements indirectly, or use as pot plant media, poly bags or barrels; should you pay attention to is the combination of soil with enough water balance. Do not wait until the soil is too dry, or too wet can cause your plants to be dead.

Principle and Character Design Minimalist Garden
Minimalist garden in manufacturing has four principles that should be observed. Ie: theme, contrast, gradation and control. Fourth is the principle that should be followed in order to view your garden looks minimalist character. The fourth principle is like grip that must be followed to obtain a minimalist garden design tasteful.

The fourth principle of minimalist garden design you can listen completely as follows :
  1. Theme, that is the pattern of the elements forming the basis of the overall park. This theme will determine how the park will be developed later and planned. The theme will also determine all the ornaments or additional elements that will be in the garden. An example is the Japanese-style garden.
  2. Contrast, is rich elements, forming attention, side accent. You may have heard the term point of interest. That contrast, or point of interest in a garden. For example, placing a statue in the middle of the park, as the focus of the park made. It is more in touch with all the elements that will be provided or placed in the garden. Because it will not only contain garden crops or plants only, there will be additional elements, such as is the availability of water fountain, some statues or ornaments was allowed another decorator.
  3. Gradient. From the above, he sure you've guessed. Gradient is a general principle in all art, good art, art, sound art, or the art of landscaping. The meaning is rhythm, level shift, level, levels, and so forth. For example is, planting a shrub dark green, pale green and green Tosca, will create a gradient effect for the eye of the beholder.This most certainly will Gradient relating to the grant of color in all the components present in the garden. With appropriate placement of each color component with the other components will be obtained that will support your union colors maximal appearance of the garden itself. However, if the selection of colors from all the components are so integrally not or incompatible with each other, thus, only then will make an appearance from the garden into diminishing its beauty.Although color selection is sometimes seen as a simple and trivial thing, but it should be observed carefully. If it is deemed necessary then felt able to ask the parties have grants in this regard.
  4. Control. Namely balance elements, compatibility, so that the operator does not look excessive and thus falls on the effects too 'crowd and not themed'. Control is a harmony. The aim is all the elements are arranged in harmony in your minimalist garden design. For example: different crop mixes and sizes.
Minimalist garden also has characters in design. There are only two characters in the park, which is characteristic of formal gardens and informal.
  • Formal minimalist garden design, highlighting the patterns more symmetrical arrangement of plants, compliance with the rules and grip, and sometimes be quite stiff. Any plant elements usually worn with formal effects, such as fan palm in a large ceramic pot media.
  • Informal garden design minimalist, even touching the sides of the experience. Pattern formed by carrying the effects of 'free' tend not themed. Plants used in general have a natural shape and non-rigid.
Treatment tips Minimalist Garden

Here are some things that can be categorized as a treatment for a minimalist garden you have.

Key minimalist design garden care is consistent and routine care. That is do not ever get bored, saturated or neglect treatment process. Because it would be real visible difference minimalist look well-kept garden with a neglected. So it need to spend time to do maintenance on the parks we have. Most do not spend one day in a week to do this treatment, call it you can use holiday time for example is a Sunday to do the clean-up parks. Think of this activity as a fun activity. Most people who decide to have a garden at home is one of the type or the type of person who loves a green and greenery. Until this feeling is expressed through the availability of this park.

So be a packet with this desire the will to do treatment also should be available. Because the park is not treated, will eventually become slipshod gardens and has the shape and appearance are not good and do not attract attention precisely just interrupt the view from the house itself. Maintenance actions that can be done is by watering plants in the garden. Watering is done every day really does not have to wait for a week once because it follows the requirements of the plant itself will be water. In addition to watering, which is done is by doing cultivation. Fertilizer should be selected given the appropriate and right for the type of crops grown in the garden. This is to optimize the growth of the plant itself and also keep the sustainability of the crop. Another thing to do is remove or get wild plants often grow follow some time under our core crops planted in the garden. Wilding is it will interfere with the beauty of the park itself and will also interfere with the growth of the planted.

Additionally note about watering and giving fertilizer. And extra care of additional elements, such as the fountain (artificial shower) and others. For this case it is required to drill further action or require more attention. Because the truth is, the grant element is to give a more interesting effect on the appearance of the garden or add to the beauty of the park itself. If some of these additional elements are not treated even then only it will damage the beauty of the park itself and make the garden will not look more attractive. Until the purposes of granting this additional element will not work.

That is some thing relating to a minimalist garden design your home.

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