Saturday, June 8, 2013

Example of Modern Minimalist House

Example of Modern Minimalist House - Design modern minimalist house is very popular with today's society. The very practical design makes a modern minimalist home is in great demand by people who like things very practical today. The concept of modern minimalist home is becoming increasingly popular because of the minimalist design gives the impression of a simple and considered in accordance with this practical all the time. Modern minimalist house generally comes with a character more clearly from various aspects, such as geometric shapes and simple space, more robust, and further highlight the function space by minimizing the ornaments and home furnishings. The concept of modern minimalist house using the principles of the simpler the better.

Modern Minimalist House Design - Comes From the Old

Prominent architect who is touted as a modern minimalist home teacher 'minimalism' is John Pawson. 'Minimalism' in Pawson is a concept design that emphasizes comfort, silence, and beauty. This minimalist concept has actually been known from the 1920s, so it is not something new in the world of architecture.
However, in the application style minimalist new modern minimalist house developed in the early 20th century which is touted as the century of the modern world. This minimalist design style to be excellent in different parts of the world in the 1990s. That's why the design is then call International Style.

And minimalist design concepts in buildings or modern minimalist house actually appears as a form of protest against some of the flow in the architecture which was considered too wasteful in the use of building materials, such as wood, stone rock, and others who fear it would destroy the balance of nature. Then came up with the concept of minimalist design simpler, and more focus on both functionality and furnishings for indoor use. Likewise, the modern minimalist design of the house. The architects who had a big hand in popularizing a minimalist style in architecture is Le Corbusier and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Simplicity or the simplicity of a strong and vital element in a minimalist design that they carry.

In the world of architecture, minimalist design emphasizes the things that are essential and functional. Modern or minimalist home design minimalist building dominated the elementary geometric forms without ornamental  or decoration. Innovations on various materials such as steel, concrete, glass, inevitable happened in the development of minimalist design. This makes a new challenge for the architects.

Typical Characteristics of Modern Minimalist House

Trends in residential or home today refers to the design and concept of minimalism. This modern minimalist house design is perfect for those who love simple style, simple yet enchanting. The concept of simplicity is also the basis for the selection of colors that uses neutral colors and muted, which gives the impression of an elegant, neat, and modern. There are several prominent feature in modern minimalist home architecture design, which can be seen from the outside (exterior) and the inside (interior), namely :

1. Typical Characteristics of Modern Minimalist Outer (Exterior)
  • Firm geometric lines with vertical lines or horizontal dominating is characteristic that can be seen from the outside.
  • Modern minimalist house has a wide opening, doors and windows are too wide to give more flexibility to the view the view to every corner of the house.
  • Landscape and garden arrangement also seem simple. Plants are usually used as a focal point.
  • The roof is flat or nearly flat is protruding from modern.2 minimalist house building. Typical Characteristics of Modern Minimalist Inner (Interior)

Utilize the space more open and minimal insulation room. Ornamental, like carving intricate ornaments are not used in furniture here. Kind is also simple, plain, yet firm. And once again, there is no pattern engraved in the glass furniture. The use and iridescence are usually applied for modern minimalist interior, with a goal away from being monotonous and rigid. Good light game of light and natural light to penetrate the glass, as well as the game color gives a dramatic effect and adds to the beauty.

Tips to Build a Modern Minimalist House

Painting is a very important process to determine the final outcome of modern minimalist house concept. Mix and match colors correctly can be one of the secrets behind the beautiful modern minimalist house design that you have. Accuracy in choosing the colors will create the impression of harmony and harmony that can affect the feel of your modern minimalist house as a whole. Errors in applying the color it can affect the alignment of your home. Therefore color harmony important things that must be applied to your modern minimalist house as a whole.

Bright colors but can be applied to the neutral walls. You can also express the colors to avoid the impression of monotony, for example with the 'crash' two colors. Matching color options you can also apply on the pillars (if any). To get a more personal impression, you can distinguish the color for any room in your modern minimalist home.  Bedroom for example, the use of colors derived from favorite color is a wise choice. Coupled with the selection of furniture, accessories and lighting, then this personal space does not feel comfortable without losing the feel of a modern minimalist home design.

The use of colors derived from your favorite color and your partner will also give a warm impression on the modern minimalist home kitchen you have. Eg derivatives colors orange, red and green that can provide clean and fresh sensation. The colors used are derivatives still have to refer to the balance and harmony with the color of the house as a whole. To beautify the walls, you can hang a painting or photo frame with no engraving simple.

For modern minimalist terrace house, you can mix the paint colors with bright colored natural stone applications soft and characterless. Nowadays there are many choices of natural stone that can be used. Kosen aluminum dark colors are recommended for use on door and window frames. If you choose wood frame, select proful who do not have much to keep the value of minimalism. Meanwhile, for the color of the floor, you should choose a dark color. If you are interested in using wood flooring, it is also permissible for a modern minimalist home. Above the dark floor, you can also install carpet neutral color like brown or gray without motive.

Interior and Furniture Minimalist Modern Home

Choosing interior design and furniture for modern minimalist home, once again you have to remember that the concept of this house is cleanliness, neatness, and regularity. For homes with a modern minimalist interior, minimalist furniture that nature is the most fitting, you can choose furniture like tables and chairs with simple design and soft colors. Table made of glass can be chosen, for it presents the impression of light.

But that does not mean you can not use the furniture of wood for your
modern minimalist house. But, there are things to consider when you choose furniture made from wood, is the final process of making sure the furniture itself as neat as possible. Tabletops should be left clean. Do not fill the table with a variety of ever-knacks like an ashtray, and books. If you want to add flowers, use the flower vase is also minimalist design.

Tips for Choosing Furniture For Home Modern Minimalist

For modern minimalist home furniture you should use a practical, functional and simple. But often things go wrong choosing the right furniture for modern minimalist home. Here are some tips on choosing minimalist furniture to match the minimalistic design of the house: 
  1. Furniture should be made of glass, combined with the material.
  2. Customize your furniture with the room design.
  3. Should choose furniture with simple design and easy to maintain. Multifunctional furniture design is also highly recommended in order to provide more functionality, such as a table or sofa lower part serves as a storage area.
  4. Do not use furniture with color too REMAIN. Black and brown for wood-based furniture is highly recommended because it will give a neat and powerful impression.

The Minimalist Modern Bourgeois Society and Lifestyle

If we had the opportunity to observe the form of housing in big cities in Indonesia, then there is an architectural style of the house is a very subtle look. That is a modern minimalist style. A form of the house that is now increasingly in demand by urban communities. Of course modern minimalist style house will not we meet in the slum areas (slums), such as along the banks of the river or surrounding area landfills. Similarly, crowded housing complex. Housing complex that the distance between one house to another house separated by the wall itself. Very tight, even for homes that were facing each other, paused only by a narrow street (alley bumper).

Instead. Not in a very dense residential areas and slums like it we will find a modern minimalist style. Although the actual, modern minimalist house will be right if it is built in the area of ​​space that is not too broad. Just unfortunately, although impressed minimalist, but for the price, modern minimalist home need 'money maximalist'. Therefore, only for those with deep pockets alone (the bourgeoisie) who are considered able to build it.

Meaning of Modern Minimalist House

If you look at the development of the architecture, it will be found that is a form of modern minimalist house contemporary house style. Built in response to the lifestyle of modern society that prioritizes efficiency element in all respects. Included also in choosing the style of the house, preferably efficient in terms of appearance (to minimize the home decorative elements) and optimum space utilization. From this, the concept of modern minimalist house was born.

Unlike for example the concept of home in the Middle Ages (the classic house style). At that time, the architecture is very different from the modern minimalist style. Classic house style is generally filled with ornaments or carvings characterized Greco-Roman classics, the dominant element in every corner of the arch, and the materials are expensive and hard to find (such as marble). The most obvious example is the Gothic style. Typical European architecture, was an idol for making houses in Indonesia.

Modern minimalist house is also different from the ethnic-style house, the house that inspired the architecture of one of the traditional houses in the archipelago. Like a house style that is inspired by traditional Balinese house rich with ornament elements (engraving), or a traditional Javanese house with Joglonya. Style house that combines the elements of ethnic, was also the choice and demand.

But now, the trend of home architecture in big cities in Indonesia began to shift. Of classical and ethnic style house, move to a modern minimalist style. There is also the most distinctive characteristic of the house is a modern minimalist design that prioritizes the practicality and versatility, as well as the ingenious use of land or space with minimalist material as possible but still did not leave the aesthetic side (elegant to behold). To that end, modern minimalist house greatly minimizes the use of decorative elements such as found in many classic styles and ethnic houses. Simple and displays the elements as needed. That is to say that the house is the antithesis of the modern minimalist style house classic and ethnic.

Essential and functional, which is the main characteristic of modern home architecture. It can be seen from the character of the house clear and sturdy, minimal use of home accessories, lighting arrangements and maximum air circulation, and the paint color selection that is not only unsightly but also able to eliminate the narrow sense. The simpler the design of a house, then the house is minimalist architecture.

Modern Minimalist Lifestyle Tribe

Home for people have an important role. The house not only as a place to live, but also social functioning. To that end, the house designed as comfortable and beautiful as possible. Thus making the occupants feel at home dwelling in the house, and the owners will be proud of the social existence of the house. The second concept, which is comfortable to live in and have a prestige value in the eyes of society, there are the modern minimalist home design. Referred to as a comfortable place to live, modern minimalist house offers clear that thing. Spatial planning as optimal as possible (with no space that is functionally less function) and light settings and good air circulation, will make anyone feel at home for a guaranteed length of stay in a modern minimalist home.

Nowadays modern minimalist house is ranked top in a choice of urban society in Indonesia. The existence of modern minimalist home trend began in 2009, and continuing to the present (2012). In fact, modern minimalist house design is expected to remain in demand until several years later. This makes socially, modern minimalist house contains a high prestige value. And considered as part of the lifestyle of modern society. However, as previously noted including modern minimalist home is still scarce. Not yet prevalent. Only in certain places, we can see a variety of modern minimalist house was built. Owned by a group of elite people, namely those who are financially abilities are above average community at large.

The bourgeoisie was a common name attached to this community call elite. Word of 'borju 'is the adjective of the word' bourgeois' which if interpreted broadly is a social class consists of people from the upper middle class. Them or the new rich are very responsive to the various things that are modern. One is the tendency to have a modern minimalist house as the preferred design for their home. Moreover, the philosophy behind the house contained a modern minimalist lifestyle has a harmony with the bourgeoisie, which put forward the concept that looks simple yet very modern style. The concept is simple or simple (minimalist) is typical of the bourgeoisie who are familiar with in their daily lives completely practical, functional, and efficient.

Modern Minimalist Houses for All

Modern minimalist house values ​​could be applied to all walks of life. Thus, not only the bourgeoisie who chose the design of efficient all-round home. Especially for urban areas where vacant land increasingly hard to come by. Well, this fact can be circumvented by building a residence or building modern minimalist home design.  The concept of modern minimalist house, not only suitable for building in a limited area (narrow), but also with limited space to build still able to offer optimum comfort and beauty to its owner. With the arrangement of the furniture as efficiently as possible, removing unnecessary decorative elements, as well as the selection of the right paint color, modern minimalist house dream house will be everybody. This is the excess of modern minimalist house was owned by a classic or ethnic style house.

However, because of the perception that is not right in society, which considers that the modern minimalist house design house synonymous with luxury, making many people do not make it as a design choice when building a residence. In fact, the initial idea of ​​the birth of the modern minimalist style is addressing the problems of increasingly limited land to build, without leaving an element of beauty and comfort. Thus, the principle of efficiency is the main spirit of the modern minimalist home. Both the efficiency of the design of the house, as well as efficiency in terms of the cost to create your home. Therefore, if only the removal of the erroneous perception, then we will witness a scene of urban residential houses will be dominated by modern minimalist house. Row house that blends with the concept of minimalist space limitations, so the house was born with a strong feel of beauty as well as comfortable to live.

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