Saturday, May 4, 2013

Viewing Checklist with Examples Home Buying

Viewing Checklist with Examples Home Buying - Home is one of the basic needs is the goal of everyone, especially for newly married couples. Therefore, to be able to buy and own homes, we often prepare and start saving early work. So when is enough we just choose the type and the type of home you want to buy. Not everyone is able to have a way to build your own home or buy it in cash. A mediocre income, although the combined income of husband and wife, usually need a long time if you want to use to build or buy cash. Especially when the need to own a home is so urgent. Therefore, for most people, owning a home by buying on credit is the best. Way option also forces us to set aside income to pay the mortgage instead be spent on other needs. In this way, home loans were a form of investment savings a better future.
  • Qualifications For those of you who want to buy a house in a housing estate, you will usually be asked by the marketing power house to see the finished example. Through this example, the consumer is expected to have a clear picture, detailed, and realistic about the design of residential homes sold in it. This model home is generally made based on existing types.Example homes are generally provided by the developer to demonstrate qualifications and specifications of houses for sale in the housing. Both related to the type and breadth of the building, the materials used, the division of space, as well as the style and form of architecture. So that the house looks lived, not infrequently also equipped with furniture and other interior materials.

  • When viewing a sample home comfort, you certainly will feel amazed and steady. Moreover, if the interior is functionally and artistically arranged, you will be tempted to imagine a house that you would have with the content and arrangement of the interior.

However, in order to choose the house you do not experience disappointment in the future, here are some tips that you should consider :
  1. Example homes are generally made with better quality, both regarding material and workmanship. Therefore, in choosing a home, you should note the details of the building and make sure the house you choose is similar to the model home.
  2. Leisure time occupied a major factor of the functions of a home. Therefore, note the location of the window, the height of the roof, as well as air circulation patterns. Do not until you are forced to spend extra money because of renovations should be done about this.
  3. Choose the position that is not directly exposed to sunlight. If forced, select overlooking the East because of exposure to the morning sun is still better than the house facing west. If necessary, this can be overcome later by planting shade.
  4. Ensure qualified developers (developers) is guaranteed. This you can notice by looking at their reputation and the services it provides. Including certification issues, warranty, or other assurance.
  5. Pay attention and meticulous various facilities provided. Good facilities in the house, such as electricity, water, telephone, and facilities provided by the developer area. Should also ensure that you choose the housing free of problems, both the problem of flooding, garbage, and others.

Check the list you in Viewing Sample Houses

Because this checklist is often easily organize your thoughts. When we're snuggled with my family to buy a house, no doubt we have a dream about how the house would be, etc. And the complicated process of buying a home you can lose all the thoughts in your head because look at all the examples of their own home can be a headache. Therefore prepare a checklist for house hunting is a logical thing to do, so you can be sure that the home you are buying is the perfect property that meets all of the criteria established for the 'perfect home'.

So here it is important to checklist just do it without the help of a realtor is expensive and sometimes inaccurate. Details of what to look for when buying a house and see a sample ? its this checklist :

Questions Related to Home

Here is a list to make sure that the house was in good condition.
  1. How old is the house ?
  2. How many stories is the house ?
  3. Whether the house has a wood frame, brick or wood frame and brick frame ?
  4. Is the condition of the roof OK ?
  5. Is the drainage OK ?
  6. Is the condition of the outside of the building is OK ?
  7. How many bedrooms ?
  8. How many bathrooms ?
  9. What is the size of the garage ?
  10. Whether the house has a gas line ?
  11. Does the house have the electrical installation ?
  12. Is the house he has centralized air conditioning ?
  13. What are the features that are available for energy conservation ?
  14. Does the house have a heating system ?
  15. Whether the house has a water heater ?
  16. Does the house have a direct connection power cord ?
  17. Does the house have a pipeline that good ?
  18. Whether the house has a living room ?
  19. Whether the house has a separate dining room ?
  20. Whether the house has a family room ?
  21. Whether the house has a nice kitchen ?
  22. Does the house have an attic ?
  23. Whether the house has a laundry room ?
  24. Does the home have a basement ?
  25. Whether the house has a fenced backyard ?
  26. Does the house have a garbage disposal ?
  27. Whether the house has a kitchen sink ?
  28. Is the house connected to the sewage system ?
  29. Does the house have a garden ?
  30. Does the house have the property boundaries ?
  31. Does the house have security arrangements in place ?
  32. Is there room in the house for further enlargement or expansion ?
  33. Are there homes in any carpet ?

Neighbor Environmental Related Questions

  1. Here is a list to make sure that the house in a good neighborhood.
  2. Is the house near the work place ?
  3. Is the house near schools ?
  4. Is the house near a shopping complex ?
  5. Is it close to the house doctor ?
  6. Is the house close to the road connecting ?
  7. Is the house near the public transport stations ?
  8. Is the house near the place of worship ?
  9. Is the house near the airport ?
  10. Is the house near industrial areas ?
  11. Does the house have a facility for garbage collection ?
  12. Is street lit ?
  13. Is the sidewalk around the house either ?
  14. Are the streets and alleys around the home well-maintained ?
  15. Are skipped a lot of traffic congestion, and how security at night ?
  16. Is there a garden around the house ?

Related Questions Financing
  1. Do you intend to buy this house as an investment property or you intend to stay here ?
  2. What is the price of the house, fitting ?
  3. How will you pay ?
  4. How many installments on the mortgage ?
  5. If you take the mortgage installments, what periodic payments ?
  6. Can you afford to pay mortgage installments ?
  7. Do you have a home insurance policy from the owner of the house ?
  8. Does your home have a lawyer to complete the deal or can you take care of all the paperwork yourself ?
  9. Is your home in need of services to real estate appraisal to ensure the value of your home ?
  10. Do you need a home appraisal home to ensure that the property is in good condition ?
  11. Is the home not in dispute ?

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