Thursday, May 2, 2013

Simple Tips on Designing a Home Model

Simple Tips on Designing a Home Model - Your budget is sufficient, but you do not want to have a big house, because he wanted to have a regular house only. Beside that you wanted a small house and praised the crowd ogled. The house is a reflection of the heart, the home also illustrated how the owner. A home does not have to be a palace and magnificent in it. Even small houses can you make a simple model type home following the budget that you have, without having to spend substantial funds.

Simple home air conditioning views

Most people think of a small house can not be formed in such a way to be a gorgeous home and ogled many people, the assumption was wrong. Model home even if you are good simple design it can be converted into a house that seemed highly selling when the house seems normal. How to change the model of a simple house seems luxurious and beautiful ?

The following tips :
  1. If your home consists of two boxes appears on the front and has a little page, on the left side. Change the page to form a mini garden with fish pond underneath. Where a lot of fish that swim, and stuffed waterfall actively moving water. Additionally you can add a variety of pot that contains many beautiful plants to decorate your yard that looks barren.
  2. Besides the pages that you have created a mini park is certainly there mini garage. Change into shape ceramic floor with luxurious color. For example, the color is: dark blue, navy blue, maroon, and green. Do not wear colored ceramic of rainbow, because your home will be more like a home than a doll house model is simple.
  3. Fence paint your house the color of the tiles. If you are a dark blue tiles, give a dark blue color on your fence anyway. Do not let the color collision.
  4. Give garden lights accent as an addition to your home luxuries.
  5. To paint the house, can you give a minimalist accent paint colors, as well as for the color of doors and window frames. Well now appears modest home you've shaped the model is simple but at first glance seems luxurious and elegant.
  6. You can also paint your roof color to the color of the tiles on the wall and you've got a parking lot. At present, the house with a mixture of color attracted many people. Provided that the home match and commensurate with the color you mix in front of your home. Now your home is simple but luxurious impression seems to be enjoyed.

Excess Model Simple House

Simple house model has now become one of the types of houses that has been chosen by the community. It is especially by those from young families and live in densely populated areas. These circles prefer the functionality of a house, rather than promoting the appearance. A model of a simple house usually consists only of buildings whose main function only. Such as living room, family room, bedrooms and kitchen space. In addition, the size and compilation was made without the use of elaborate decoration ornaments, so as to put forward a minimalist impression.

The concept of this house is now widely seen especially in the residential areas of medium and simple. Therefore, in addition to the problem of limited cost, home with this simple concept makes the selling price was cheaper and more affordable by the community. However, it does not mean there is only a simple model of a house in a residential area. There are also many homeowners who do not live in the housing, also uses the concept of a simple home at the time of building a house. Moreover, according to the government's family planning program, this simple house models if only suitable for families who carry out the program. Because, with homes that meet the functional concept, a house will not look empty. This is because every part of the house will appear live with their respective functions.

Excess Model Simple House

Simple house model has been chosen by the public in recent times, because this type of house has many advantages. Some of the advantages that can be obtained by making a simple house models are :
  1. Simple type of model homes will be easier in the daily care. Therefore, parts of the house is not filled with ornaments that require particular care and special handling.
  2. Making a simple house is not going to take a considerable cost. Therefore, the parts are made more skewed because of the functional requirements and instead put forward the concept of perspective. In addition, the costs can also be saved in the manufacturing process, since it does not require people who have their own specialties. It is different if we want a particular concept house so need an expert to make it. Such as home gardens and ponds that are able to drain the water.
  3. For urban communities, making simple home is one way to get around the problem of limited land. Thus, the simple is made, then a home can meet all of its main functions. Also, it will make it easier if one day the house was about to be renovated as nested.
  4. On the revenue side, a simple model of the house will also be cheaper in the obligation to pay taxes in the property tax. It is different from the concept of the house is made with luxurious, as in multistory buildings.
  5. A simple house, will be able to briefly drafted so that it can obtain the remaining land. Green land needs is very important, especially for creating the conditions that cool if planted with trees. In addition, the remaining free space can be useful as a medium for a place in the rain water infiltration, thus preventing the water and to keep the natural groundwater reserves.

To realize the dream of owning a home, then you need to think about the plan in detail. Talking about building a house it will discuss the substantial funds, ie tens to a hundred million more. It needs careful preparation so that housing can few later, or in other words not swell at home spending was under way. The first step to make a careful calculation of house construction, if you are quite ignorant about building materials and other costs in setting up the house. Should consult a friend or acquaintance who is an expert in the field of civil or construction of houses. Ask him about the funds needed to build a modest home, certainly you must first have a picture and a sketch of the house.

Purchase of land also should be expedited, especially if the funds had been collected and the ideal location according to your family. Immediately complete the purchase of the land, because it will provide encouragement to immediately obtain more funds in order to build a house on it. When will not be building in that location, then the land will be worth the investment over time.

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