Saturday, May 4, 2013

Selecting and Managing Interior Tiny Houses

Selecting and Managing Interior Tiny Houses - Not cheap to get a home even with such a small size type 21 or 36 in a quite place close to the city. Moreover, land prices are now higher and expensive. But often the problem is they do not really know how to choose well arrange the interior of a small house that they have it. When thinking about this a lot that confused even become dizzy.

Small increasingly

Indonesian people, especially those residing in urban areas mostly prefer a house that size is not so great with a minimalist model. Because in addition to more practical care and maintenance is also more efficient in the financing or construction costs. Increasing busyness with not a lot of free time, have a small house that was quite profitable. Family members were no longer much. With one or two children, the type 36 is sufficient for them. It's just really small home sometimes it looks very cramped because so many goods and furniture owned. There are a few things you should keep in mind while having a home is not great. For example, quite a wardrobe for both the husband and wife. If one has children, each child has a wardrobe with a medium size.

How to anticipate the desire to increase the number underwear ? We recommend that when you want to buy new clothes, old clothes should be given to someone else to make room for new clothes. If you do not want to give old clothes, do not buy new clothes. So also with the existing furniture in the house. The furniture should have a lot of functions that do not make the house look like a barn, and there was no longer a place for running for children who are toddlers. If you want to buy new furniture, sell or give the old furniture to others. Indonesia does not have the 'green line' that can be filled with unused furniture secondhand. Used furniture that can be taken by anyone. That's why, should indeed have had to think about what it will take and what you should not need to be purchased. Thought to arrange the interior of the house should be there before inhabiting the house. Because of the small house full of challenges when it will be set.

And if you can figure out how, specify the type as well as arrange the interior of a small house that is not a difficult problem. The important thing is not located on the large size. Because the name space the size of a small house definitely too small and limited. So that needs to be considered is the functionality and usability of the interiors that can lead to a sense of comfort for all occupants of the minimalist home.

Choosing Interior

Choosing a small house interior does need to take into account several things. Mainly on the size and function of the interior that we want to select. It is recommended when you want to buy a particular type of interior, not only because he saw a beautiful shape only. Instead, most importantly, whether the interior has utility for the residents. The concept of a minimalist design small house is more priority to unite function. When we want to buy a set of tables and chairs. In addition to choosing a minimalist design that also shaped, choose the type of furniture so that when placed not take up much space. Even if you can buy a desk chair that can be folded and has several functions at once. For example, in addition to suitable for receiving guests also delicious and deserve to relax even for a meal. Similarly with the other furniture. When purchasing choose furniture that can be placed in a corner or tight to the wall and has multiple uses as well.

Reforming Home Interior Tiny Size

The most important of the interior design and minimalist small house is the selection of colors and lighting techniques. For the floor, choose a tile that bright colors. When it would be installed and attach the tiles Arrange crosswise manner. Do not lined or lined. This will make our eyes could see when the space appear larger than actual size. Brightness of the colors in the house will make the heart too bright. Then to the walls, choose paint colors seem soft and light. It will create an impression in the room is spacious and airy. When you want to put up wall hangings, choose a simple shape and no impression crowded. Even if it could be in a number of ornate wall space not more than two pieces. Likewise with the other decorations are put on the table or anywhere else.

Steps to arrange the interior of the house next minimalist tiny size is a lighting technique. To choose a room or house lighting bulbs can give off light but not bright glare make. Because it would create a hot atmosphere and space feel cramped. So choose the type of lamp whose light was still bright but cool. Hopefully this info is useful for those who want to create coolness in petite size minimalist home interior. Here are examples of interior settings on a house that is not quite petite but still can be arranged.

4x8 Small House Square Meters

The house looks very tiny in the distance plus the location of the house under the mango tree is quite large. This position makes the house more like a little man home. But, what's interesting is that the exterior color is very natural with a marble structure interior small house size 4x8 m2 is quite unique.

Home Trucks

The owner of the house called 'The house truck' because of its shape like a tailgate. For around the house to make it look a little tiny artistic, the owner of the house roof design rather about 6 feet tall so they can make an attic which functioned as a warehouse or place equipment repairman. Deliberately placed in the attic bedroom located at the rear of the house.

Multifunction Bedrooms

To maintain privacy, the bedroom was made on the back of a 3x3 sized m2. The walls are made of gypsum are painted pale green color with a little brown ornaments vertical lines that make the walls look pretty dynamic. Made room beside the bathroom and the toilet seat size 1x3 m2. To cover up the existence of a bathroom, a barrier made of bamboo curtain. The curtain painted with natural colors. To be more dark, the curtains closed with a large floral drapery fabric-large.

The bedroom was made quite flexible. Aside from being a place to sleep as well as work space and a place to watch TV. Stairs to the attic was made can be folded so that it takes place when not in use. The ladder is made from solid dark brown boards with a solid rope. If you want to use, just drawn. To save space, the home owner does not use the beds, but the inflatable mattress with quality is rather good so that was still soundly sleeping. Wardrobe, bookshelf, desk placed on one side of the room so it does not eat a lot. Furniture models were symmetrical and not a lot of color or ornament.

Kitchen inevitably placed at the front of the house. So as not to interfere with the view of the house, the kitchen made minimalist possible. Kitchen set made with a beautiful reddish orange color. Marble kitchen counter lined with matching color. Place the plate with the color selected in accordance with the kitchen set. Be kitchen as if as a focal point in the room is 4x5 square meter. Dining table and chairs made like bar. However, that is not too flashy dining seen by guests who were come into the house, was installed curtains made of bamboo that hung between the kitchen and living room. The blinds can be rolled up when not in use.

To create a roomy atmosphere in the house, a large glass measuring 50 cm x 2 meters in the hanging wall of the living room. Coffee table made rectangular so anything with his chair. However, the seat is made soft as possible so that it could be used as a bed when there is a family who visit. It turns out when designed with a small house still looks pretty comfortable and of course, stay beautiful and healthy as shelter.

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