Thursday, May 2, 2013

Multi Function Spaces At Ideal Minimalist Home

Multi Function Spaces At Ideal Minimalist Home - Dream house design minimalist it can sometimes be regarded as things that bother easy. How do I set up needs a lot of space while the building area is limited. Also set up a way for the concept of visual impression remains visible difference. Minimalist Home, the most important thing is setting the house still looks clean, bright and inspiring. The concept is more important is not to add items before getting rid of existing ones.

Minimalist Home Decor Concept

There are rumors saying that the word 'minimalist' is expressed by the businessman to describe the shape of a straight, box, and do not have a lot of curves or models. For the architecture, they do not call this as a form of minimalism. However, for the layman, whatever is most important to have the house and the house livable. It's more of a minimalist home is small because it is easier to shape. There was a house with a medium-size and large minimalist form. But usually shaped house minimalist size is actually not look graceful. Especially not equipped with a neat garden with plants that are not too many ornaments that make an impression looks front heavy look. All forms must be adapted to each other. In addition to what has been thought desirable, must also think about the usability or functionality.

The following points are usually used in structuring dream house.
  • Space Requirement Description
Overall investigation of existing space. Then you can try to describe the space required. Each person has different needs. A single course has different needs than a small family. You too can become one arranging the room in a space that is active, simple, open. What is important to adjust your lifestyle and needs.
  • Creation Multi Function Spaces
If the design is minimalist dream house you now imagine. Do a few changes to create a multi-function space according to your lifestyle. You just have to know the difference between the principle of multi-purpose hall and a room with a single function. If the house is small then remove all partitions and make imaginary bulkhead that does not make the room cramped. If you need help elevate and give gypsum ceiling by putting lights into the ceiling so it seemed neater.

Principle difference between the model of multi-function space with a single space is a function of the barrier between the space. Multi-function in space no massive barrier between function space. Division functions as an open space. Some activity between family members can be seen in the absence of a barrier wall. If it was going to separate them, and can use the furniture or floor tiles using color differences are used. Equipment that is placed at the room could also be a differentiator between the room.

In addition, a multi-function generally has a fairly roomy living space. If your home is limited, you can try in several ways, among others :
  1. Use barrier 'psychic' like the same carpet shape but different sizes on each function space. Or carpet is the same size but different patterns and colors, and so on.
  2. Use barriers such as semi-massive floating bamboo blinds hanging space to separate different functions. Or a light transparent fabric as a barrier function space.
  3. Use low furniture shaped as a barrier function space. For example, a low buffet decoration. Or a low enough bookshelves, in addition to functioning as a store of books can also be a barrier function space.
  4. Highlight a function room that want to be seen as a point of interest by giving the walls with shades of dark. Do not be afraid to use dark colors as accents.
  5. Create a 'silent' versus a 'move'. A 'silent' intention is not room whose walls are plain jewelery. While a 'move' in the form of wall elements that display the ornament of a picture frame or painting. A 'silent' was created for places quieter function, eg the dining room. And a 'move' for spaces that require high mobility such as the family room. Now is the time to be creative to realize a small house belonging to your dream minimalist patterns.

At this time the concept of a minimalist home has reached the peak of its popularity. Almost all new home construction in Indonesia always apply this concept, following the trend that has also hit other countries around the world. Considered to be a very simple concept and in accordance with the present circumstances. The land area is not too large a price of more expensive building materials, makes people think why should have a big house that makes it difficult both financially and to maintain the house. For the ancients, minimalist house was like a room alone. Very small. In fact, even a large-sized home was sometimes has a minimalist form because it does not use heavy like arc deco concept or concepts with a variety of room separation. This minimalist considered to share a single concept representing the times. All fast-paced, small, and painless.

The Minimalist As a Work of Art

Creating a minimalist dream home is basically the value of bringing together art, architecture, craft, interior, and technology as well as some other branches of science. Shape of the building seem more modern and a symbol of pluralism. To better understand the art of creating a minimalist home, may be compared with other architecture models which also features art maximalist but many regard it too much. In fact impressed very tacky.

Prioritize Function Of The Minimalist

Today many people mistakenly understand the concept of a minimalist home. They assumed the form of a minimalist when it is always dominated by a line or box outside. So what happens is, the concept of minimalism only occur outside of the house alone. While what was in the house still does not use the concept of a minimalist home. Basically make a home can be a dream but still seem minimalist is not too much use ornaments or accessories. If still using ornaments, its function is not to show the beauty of the course. For example, there is a glass wall in addition serves to beautify the shape of the room, but also useful to facilitate the entry of sunlight for lighting so they can save electrical energy usage.

So here the use of a product is more about function than for beauty. So make a minimalist building in order to remain a dream home should consider a more detailed workmanship and meticulous. Very well that before building a house or buy a house, have studied what is wanted from the house. What is desired will be the basis for the making and the establishment of a house and its interior.

Creating Ideal Home Minimalist Design

The minimalist home design is a design that is more about the elements that form a line, straight or plane and use bright colors and bold memorable. So that could be a minimalist dream house, when the building needs to pay attention to things, like, a plan for more effective spatial planning as well as flexible. Primarily on circulation of air and light settings to be more simple but the outcome can be maximized. Besides it's always the element of a clear line, erect, and setting a bold and bright colors. Note also the detailed arrangement of the proportions in the use of color, composition and other factors to be able to avoid the impression of boredom and monotony. Always use a tropical concept, because this is one of the foundations of the concept of minimalist dream house. Prioritizing the use of a more heat resistant material, according to the main characteristics of tropical nature.

Not too many incorporate elements of ornament, as it is not the concept of minimalist dream house. Even if you can just eliminate them. Note also the interior spatial design that remains consistent or using minimalist concept but prefer the simpler functions and efficient. Although economical, do not imagine that this minimalist home prices can be very cheap if it is located in the city center. 36 types of homes could reach 400 million. So the shape of the house and the lay of the land will determine the price of the home. If want to buy in the suburbs, taking into account the smooth transportation and whether the location of the house will flood or not.

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