Saturday, May 4, 2013

How to Organize Minimalist Living Room ?

How to Organize Minimalist Living Room ? Your daydream has a minimalist living room ? Although the conventional style of your home? Why not? In recent years, many once found a house that was built by adhering to a certain type, but include other elements in the arrangement and style of each space.

Contemporary style

There are times when tolerance in response to gaps form of architecture, able to present ideas and differences in the type of collaboration into something beautiful. An example is the harmonious collaboration between the concept of contemporary buildings. However, jump-start ideas or minimalist in his living room arrangement. Harmonization that you deserve a try. Minimalist living room is laid out in such a way will come true a space quite nicely. There are exotic harmony is created. Among contemporary look at the facade of your house and surprise minimalist in your space.

You just pass on some ideas or bring another breakthrough in your spaces. The result is not just a touch of cheap and just hit and run. However, a harmonization of integrated space with beautiful match. It is not to be forgotten is a common thread in your home placing. The common thread is the object that will be embedded in every room. Can be any color, shape, or interior objects. For example:

1. Color object

Choose a matching color or gradation, which will always be present in any room in your home. Colors such as peach who started scraping the walls of your living room. Minimalist colors that can be used: metallic gray, cream, off-white, peach, navy blue, white, or black. These colors do not have to clean entirely on the wall. However, it can be pinned as necessary as an accent only.

2. Object Shape

Take the form of matching or gradation. Such form of a square box. Box may be a choice of various accessories decorate the room. For instance, the shape of the box picture frame, frame painting, modern flower or vase-shaped box, carpet with a pattern of squares, and so forth.

3. Interior Objects

Taking one type of home accessories that will always appear in all the interior design in your space. For instance, the rickshaw seat slip in the living room. Then, again found in the family room. Sitting in the corner of the back porch or occupy one side of the family den.

Choosing Interior Objects

Make no mistake selecting and placing. These are the keywords of the success of the arrangement of a room. Although you're dress is a tiny living room measuring 3 x 3 square meters. However, that does not mean you are managing with just blindly, just because you are small-sized living room. The second key word is choose the interior objects. In order for the appearance of your minimalist living room is getting jacked up, you have to carefully choose the interior of objects to be used or displayed. Adjust the amount of interior objects with an area of ​​space. Do not place an object that is not balanced and the interior makes the room look crowded.

Here is a list of things that can boost the interior look of your minimalist living room. You can try one or more objects at once. Of them are as follows.
  • Petite credenza made of teak without ornaments.
  • A pair of small-scale arm chair with neutral colors.
  • Small paintings with a large frame that accentuates the impression of a minimalist.
  • Minimalist flower pots along with amaryllis flower in it.
  • Red carpet firmly patterned box.
  • Minimalist style standing lamp shaped transparent box.

Well, you just choose one or several objects at once to be combined and match in your minimalist living room arrangement. Place these objects with a touch of art in order not to put the origin memorable and crowded.

Playing with Glass

In the modern houses contemporary and minimalist style today, also liked the simple order, but were able to show the vastness of space. Bring relief and comfort of the simple luxury. This is exactly the goal of minimal order in principle. Having said that, there are some of you who might expect such things. Namely hope your house or your favorite room look spacious and stylish. There is one trick you can do, which is try to play with the glass. Effect of glass or mirrors will make your home look spacious or translucent, but still have spaces that you need functionally.

Here are some illustrations of the use of spatial effects of glass. Hope can be a great inspiration for you.
  • Fit a box-shaped glass mirror squares or rectangles. With plain or colored frame silver frame. Black is also a sweet choice for a minimalist style. Then, place the mirror on one wall of your living room.

Tips: How to put the glass mirror is a mirror ceiling is as high as your eye when you're standing.

Result: Your room will look wider by the mirror effect.
  • Put a glass mirror covering the wall. Choose one wall of your living room that you want to highlight. For example, the walls of which cross the living room entrance.

Tip: Use panel and nail on the wall. So the appearance of glass mirrors covering the walls of your living room, will reveal the effects of drift, look no hangers or nails protruding.

Results: minimalist living room you will be looked relieved elongated.
  • Put a glass mirror in the middle of the living room wall, minimalist face to face with the living room window. Need not be large, but if can be cultivated in accordance with the amount of windows or even really precise with the window wide.

Tips: Clear the area in front of the mirror glass from some pretty big things.

Result: You will get a double-wide effect. Due to reflections from mirrored glass facing the window. Minimalist living room you will appear three times wider. You get twice as spacious living room plus the scenery outside the window which seemed to blend with the space in it.
  • Insulate your living room is quite spacious with a solid glass wall. With a view to get the two function spaces, such as living room and reading room for example.

Tip: Put a solid glass wall that using aluminum frame.

Result: You will get the living room was still stylish and relieved. In addition you will also get an extra space in the form of a reading room that still highlight privacy anyone active in the reading room.

Near and Far Effect Effect

There are other ways to treat your minimalist beauty parlor. There is a term effects of near and distant effects. Both can be a source of inspiration in the arrangement of your
minimalist living room as well. But before, you need to know first the meaning of both. Effects close to, the point is everything that makes a room became very close, solid, and warm. Impression as this is usually required in spaces such as the living room, family room, or bedroom. Much effect, that is all the things that make a room look away, enlarged, and formal. Impression as this is usually required in spaces such as the dining room, reading room, porch, or patio.

The things that can help give the impression of a space affects close or distant effect is carpeting, chandeliers, walls or staining. In the minimalist living room, if you want to try the effect close. Then try the following arrangement. Cover the floor of your living room with patterned carpets plain, light brown, with a touch of the line that frames the carpet. Mounting a pair of dark red arm chair on the carpet. Complete with a standing lamp glowed white. Sweep up the walls of the living room with off-white colors are soft.

Well, you've got a living room near the minimalist effect, memorable warm, and very welcome to the guests who come to visit. Want to try ?

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