Friday, May 3, 2013

How to Invest Smart Homes in Jogja ?

How to Invest Smart Homes in Jogja ? As the education city, Yogyakarta is a major destination city parents who want to educate their children. Each new school year, many newcomers who come and stay in Yogyakarta for study. Once completed, there is a return to my hometown, worked in Jakarta or other city, not even a few who settled in Yogyakarta. Annual demographic phenomenon is actually quite interesting. Not a few economic effects thereof. Among the money supply every month in Jogja will experience a surge in shipments caused by parents to their children who are studying.

Changes in Social Life

For the citizens of Yogyakarta itself is of course a condition can be revive economic dynamics, including of course the social life also became more dynamic. Just look at the changes that occur in various areas as a newly established campus. Previously static region and away from the crowds turn out to be so alive. Several years ago, the area at Km 15 Road Ground and surrounding areas that are less developed. But when the Islamic University of Indonesia made an integrated campus in the region, economic factors jumped dramatically. House in Jogja becomes hunted the newcomers.

Many indicators of the changes seen by naked eye. Land prices rise immediately doubled. Residents crowded-crowded building a house or room for boarding house. Stalls and kiosks were built and set up to greet and meet the needs of the academic community.

Attracting Investments

For parents who send their children to study in Yogyakarta, generally prefer boarding house as a residence. Some are choosing leasing a home. Actually, for a relatively long period of time, buy or build their own home is way cheaper than to rent a house. It could even be cheaper than the cost of boarding. Count alone, when the price of the rented house currently around US$1000 to
US$1.500 per year, for an average study period of 4 to 5 years would cost around US$4.000 to US$7.500. Though home prices in Jogja for the standard type currently ranges between US$8.000 to US$15.000. Well, which one is cheaper, contract or buy a home?

Many other advantages by buying houses. If the parents have 2 or 3 children who will also be school or college in Yogyakarta, then this house could be used for younger siblings after her brother's graduation. This home was unable to stay parents who want to see their children in Yogyakarta without having to shell out more for hotel costs. Equally important, by buying or building a home, you as a parent actually has made a smart investment. You can sell the house when it needs money at a much higher price. Moreover, the development of land and house prices in Jogja fairly rapidly. In addition, the house you wake up at the same time can also be used as an inheritance for your children. Well, interesting is not it ?

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