Friday, May 3, 2013

How To Carefully Choosing Homes for Investment ?

How To Carefully Choosing Homes for Investment ? One good home investment is a form of property, especially land or building. Value investing is never free fall, but always up, though of course the increase varitatif. Plus, having the form of an investment house or shop can be a separate field of money. Well, for those of you who are interested and would like to try your investing to feature this one, still have to be careful choosing a home or building, especially those from the lower-priced market price. I could have, because it was too sloppy to invest, you either buy a house, and instead you are lucky, but you could earn stump. This article discusses some of the things that may be the cause of a house for sale at cheap prices.

Satay skewers home

Surely you often hear the word skewers, and your shadow will certainly directly fixed on the pointy skewers. It turns out the term is also used in the housing, to refer to the position of the house itself. Satay skewers are a form of house which is right in the middle between two major roads. So, if seen, its position as the Cross with the house as edges. With notes, the door of the house facing the street in front of the cross. Satay skewers house is considered harmful. Some people who live in the house satay skewers alternately always sick.

In feng sui, the skewers are not good, and according to the logic also. The house is located in the middle of the intersection of the two roads will be between the two air collision. Two air collision of various side raises a lot of dust of various diseases, hence why the house is not good and even cause various diseases. Home skewer usually cheaply valued, even when we mortgaged to the bank, it would be appreciated cheap house. So, if someone offers a higher price for the house skewers, wow carefully choose a house like this. You can lose. However, if the home is purchased you must also think carefully in order to move the position of the door.

The house is located on the two sides of this road would lead the occupants feel the noise. This is because the cross roads between the houses as a passing motor vehicle. In the calculations psychological skewers house also resulted in excessive stress to the family members due to adverse factors earlier. However, the story would be different if you buy a house with this condition but not use it as a place rest or uninhabitable. But rather to be used as a place of business or business. Many places traversed by the general public indicates that there is likely to place the promising prospect who did little for the effort that was standing there.

If you are observant enough to observe the change of scenery in the major cities of Indonesia, would have found that has many thousands of houses standing store or what we call the shop. Establishment of shop houses is taking place that is located right on the roadside. Moreover, if the shop is home to the is cross or intersection, would be a very good development for the future of the business was founded. Yes, not all places be bad if we could think it. By building a shop we have to think smart in dealing with noise caused by roads that flank the home location. Try to shop during the build, you have many different surveys that crowded shop in the city or region you live. Because the model shop and site plan is different from a regular shop.

After the shop stands, you can quickly search for prospective tenants or buyers through a variety of ways. Possible way that comes to mind is put up a sign or banner sales in our shop front. This is considering that the shop is seen by many people every day so it is likely they saw our ad is great. Another way that we can use to shop the sales promotion is by advertising in city newspapers. Installing ads in newspapers are shortcuts used for this property for sale, do not need to advertise that great but you simply shoot ads rows or columns in the newspapers that have been targeted.

Home and Other Residents

Many people believe in the supernatural, and assume that their home was sometimes inhabited by things beyond reason. Typically, a home with a good position can be suspected of containing an indication of that. In any case, though considered strange and unbelievable at the same time, the other occupants who have sold and auctioned it if the cheap would be appreciated. In addition to its frequent something, made residents feel uncomfortable with spooky apparitions. If you include people who do not believe, you can buy it, but you have to think about if you want to rent, tenants will not necessarily stand against the house.

Not only in Indonesia, which many people believe in supernatural things are creepy, but abroad as well as it is. Even in developed countries people still like to pay attention to these aspects in buying a home. Therefore, if you include people who are not strong with scary stories haunt ourselves every day at home, then you should avoid deals that are considered spooky house by the surrounding community. Perhaps among many readers who are buying the home that is considered haunted or inhabited. This is generally caused us not be too hasty in making the buying process. So there is no time to survey the field or directly to the home has to offer. At the time of the visit to the house that we will buy you should take the time to wonder about the neighbors. Ask all important matters relating to our purchase of the house.

Conducted a survey of the house we could not do just one time only, do at least 2 times the survey to ensure that a home is eligible for occupancy. With the increasing number of surveys will reduce the possibility of loss of a home purchase. As described earlier that the house with the other residents will be offered at a price that is not too high. It means lower than similar homes on the market. This is an advantage for the buyer if you include people who do not believe in apparitions ghosts, demons or jinns annoying humans.

Subscribe to home Flood

Indonesia has now familiar with the flood event, flooding can occur anywhere. Even in areas classified as at high altitudes also experienced flooding in the corner of its territory. Then this should be a serious concern of home buyers. Flooded homes must be caused by various factors. Factors that are likely to make a flooded home is its location close to the river. River water into the main line excessive abundant rain on an area. So the house is located near a river prone to flooding when heavy rains. The next factor is a house located in a low spot. It means lower than surrounding areas. With locations resulted in lower rainfall areas will gather at the home stand. This is precisely so would be detrimental to us as homeowners. Because of flooding not only affects the material loss but also the psychological effect on the residents.

Floods can occur at any time will always make people wary when it was raining. Unlike before that in which we are glad when it rains because it can help farmers to develop their fields, or as exciting playtime for children. There are more homes for sale at a low price that you must be aware, that the place flooded. Wow, this house is big even then only to cause a fuss and continuous problem for you. Flooding can damage a variety of personal assets, even for any contracted person will not be long-lasting because they are just inviting trouble. So, be careful choosing this one home. home carefully before buying, if you are not a loss. Happy investing with Homes Investment.

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